Chapter 3:The First Encounter

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Playlist for chapter:Hello by the talented Allie X

I stared up wide eyed into the green eyes of the school school quarterback and golden boy .

Ok this is akward.

"Wow,watch out where you're going " said Ben in his as per usual overlly flirty voice flashing one of charming smiles.

All I could do was stare ,sure he was attractive I'll give him that but as far as anyone knows in this school including the teachers I was mute.

I gulped,feeling the major social anxiety kicking in.
My throat went dry,palms started sweating.

I regained my composer and gave a stiff nod.

"Are you sure,I mea-'

Before he could finish his sentence,another deep voice called out .

"Yo!,Ben catch"

We both turned around to see the source of the voice --no doubt one of Mr Perfect's here football buddies. But that wasn't what I was exactly focusing on.

It was the football hurling its way towards me.

It kept getting bigger and....

bigger and then...

It hit me.

The pain stung and my eyes blurred .The last thing I heard before falling limp in a pair of strong arms was.


"What the fuck was that for Jake"

Its official this has to be some kind of record. Isn't it bad enough I bumped into the most popular boy in school and totally smackbanged embarrassed myself and then to top it off got struck with a football to the head by one of his muscular telephone pole friends resulting in me passing out.

#What the fuck?


3 hours later....

"Do you think she's awake? " whispered a deep voice -Ben no doubt.

"Oh my God what if she's dead dude " whispered another voice.

"Of course not Jake, shut up!" snapped Ben.

Ok these dudes are dumb as fuck!!

I slowly open my eyes and it takes awlie to finally see clearly
I raise myself from the hard surface of the nurse's office bed.
Immediately rushing to my side are to normally happy go jocks both sporting worried faces.

Ok how long was I out?

"Are you ok?"asked Ben.

I nodded.

"Dude,um sorry about y,know football thing "said his friend Jake.

I once again nodded.

"Urg,the nurse said you should probably go home,you took it pretty hard"

I nodded .

"Y,know I could drive you home if you want" said Ben.

Wait,is the most popular devilishly handsome quarterback offering to drive me home?

Ok so that happened....

I look up and shake my head no,since there's no way I'm letting Mr popular actually see the affluence of my family wealth and risk everyone knowing .
Believe it or not even though I'm not exactly a 'friendly' kind of person but if I did I would want someone who wasn't with me for my wealth or fame of my family name.

"Are you sure,I insist"replies Ben with a look on his face that I can't seem to read .

"Yeah,let us drive you home I've been looking for a reason to get out of school"says Jake.

Ben turns to glare at his idiotic friend.

"Yo,don't judge me Mr Warner is already talking about some shit quiz"defends Jake

I get up and try to walk out the door but of course some people just can't shut up.

"Um,you forgot your bag"said Ben.

I felt like facepalming,in all honesty today was definitely one of the more interesting one's.

I hesitantly took the bag and was flying out the door within seconds. Once I was an earshot away I could still pick up on their conversation.

"Damn,guess I'm not getting out of class than"said Jake .

"Suck it up dude,hey who is she anyway I didn't get her name"replied Ben.

Nobody to you buddy .

Absolutely nobody to you.


A/N: So I know this is not the best but since this is my first book I can only ask readers to bare with me and I'm still trying to find my way but I will be planning on editing once this book is done. Because honestly I feel readers deserve better quality and believe me I will improve.

And lastly...

Thank you so much to those who actually supported and voted,you have no idea how grateful I am to actually share this story with you since in the words of the great Maya Angelou;There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you .

So once again thank you.

Ok one last thing.....

I really want feedback on this chapter so please if you want send me anything you feel and think about my book.

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