Chapter 5:Rich People Problems

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A/N: Sorry my last chapter was kind of a filler but I hope I can make it up to you in this one.
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Love Chloe 😘


Playlist for chapter :Beautiful Pain by Eminem.

And one last thing

Shout out to my uncle
Danielroberts4gvn happy bday

I slapped my and pulled at my cheeks multiple times trying to get rid of the tightness from fake smiling -honestly who has time for smiles?.After Vincent's arrival I had found myself with him at the dinner table listening to story after story about his adventures in Milan and Paris -like I cared.I thanked the heavens above when he began complaining of jet lag and I couldn't be more adamant that he needs rest and that we would catch up some other time.

I was now stationed on the balcony star gazing whilst contemplating about what my life has come to and what the unforseen future holds and when I say contemplating about the future and all that jazz I really meant finding my way through a flask of Jack Daniels and ploughing through a pack of cigarettes having ran out of sleeping pills.

Ok that's a lie.I admit.

But just hear me out.

I could take many things having been blessed with the 'curse' of patience so naturally enduring Vincent's tales but eventually there was only so much I could so when he began babbling about how some dude at a show had poked fun at his mole he had begun going into a long monologue about how it was a 'beauty spot' and no flipping way was it a mole .

I had to-

I just had to believe me!-

Ok here it goes........

I may or may not have very discreetly dropped one or two ok three...or more sleeping pills into his beer.

Call me cruel it had to be done the dude's like the freaking energizer bunny for God sakes!!

Thus leaving me in this current position but I guess it was worth now at least the 6'2 child in a man's body was finally passed out in bed-no doubt snoring a tractor in reverse .

I sign crossing my legs and taking a long drag out of my cigarette as if it had the cure to all of my problems in the world,feeling the familiar burning sensation in my lungs pick up,puffing the toxic air out of my mouth watching it form a cloud of whitish-grey smoke above me.

I stared up into the abyss.This was life nothing more nothing less,closing my eyes but again those images flashed in my mind I knew that tomorrow I would look like the walking dead but I suppose some concealer and strong coffee could fix that.

I couldn't deny I had everything in life but the undying feeling of guilt,anger,resentment was slowly eating me alive. I was a screw up of epic proportion no-better yet a natural disaster on foot .

Caffeine and cigarettes


Sleeping pills mixed with alcohol.

Therapist my ass I was fine,the only reason I was trapped in that godforsaken place and thrown straight into therapy was because god forbid anyone find out a Michelle Incorporated heiress was damed 'unstable'.

"Tainting the family bloodline"I mock recalling my last visited to my dearest uncle who I like to use the term 'uncle' and 'dearest' in the loosest way possible.

I stomped the cigarette to the ground when done,reeling myself up from the garden chair looking like a drunken hippy -which I in fact was well the drunk part,looking back at the almost half empty flask of Jack Daniels .

And once again that sick feeling of guilt tangled up with many other mixed emotions had begun seeping in and I could feel myself becoming overwhelmed with emotion but I was quick to push those aside,running my hands through my hair and trudging back inside with a heavy heart sliding the door close.

Perhaps you could say I was crazy or simply seeking attention like the 'spoilet rich kid I was' but along with being incredibly wealthy came along the burden of unhappiness.

I guess you could say it was your standard 'Rich People Problems' but believe when I say it was way more than that.

Nobody could understand nor did anybody want to understand.


Oh my goosh-yes I said oh my goosh!!!😱.Honestly a lot of time and preparation went into that chapter I think it just so happens to be my best one yet to date and I would really appeciate it if you could click that little star ⭐at the bottom of the page please.




Peace out✌


Live long and prosperous.

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