Chapter 2:Life as we know it.

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Hey,I just want to inform my readers that updates are every Saturday and I also want to apologize before hand for any spelling or punctuation errors since this is my first book on wattpad and it would mean a lot to me if you guys could comment and show me any errors so that I can improve for because you as the readers I feel have the right to some quality and not unedited rubbish so I welcome all your advice. Thank you for the support and please COMMENT and VOTE.


A real girl isn't perfect and a perfect girl isn't real --Harry Styles.

Playlist for chapter:Headley been there done that.

Upon arriving at school I couldn't but help miss the silence and tranquillity of home but I reluctantly gather myself and step out of my truck to be greeted by the rowdy crowd of teenagers who after seeing each other for the first time since last year have "oh so much catching up to do"

I try manuevering my way through the crowd of hellish teens to get to the office so I can get my fucking schedule and get on with my shit .

I swear after getting nearly squeezed to death in between the crowd you'd think that the office secretary would be able to get my freaking schedule but.....nooo she is just so danm busy checking her bloody cheap manicure to bother type in the computer system I swear this blond dipshit bimbo should've completed college instead of taking a three month course in secretarial services thus landing her where she is now wearing cheap perfume and dorning a flecky manicure.

10 minutes later........

Blondie finally handed me my senior schedule whilst me strangling her repeatedly in my head but I kept my thoughts to myself since I was desperate to get out of there.

I marched out of the office into the hallway blending in with mass of other students at Cameron High though I don't exactly 'blend' in with my distinctive features of long midnight black hair and bright violet eyes which earned me alot of torment in junior school giving my classmates ideal nicknames for me were alien,misfit,elve,ext. Now that I'm older the torment hasn't stopped people hurt other people for reasons I still have yet to uncover the very word human is contradictory itself since as 'humans' aren't we supposed to show humanity? exactly,humans are strange we do things and feel things that could possibly at the end of the day lead us to our demise.

My textbooks seem to be getting very annoying heavy in my flimsy arms,curse this damn school for relocating all the senior lockers to the fourth wing of the school meaning I have a round about a 10 minute walk to my freaking locker plus with the heavy load in my arms weighing me down it will definitely take longer and class starts in 15 minutes to be exact.

I continue my walk though struggling tremendously with my books and then.....I trip oh so foolishly over my shoe laces and I'm ready to kiss the floor when I feel a pair of strong arms come to my waist and stop my fall ,I for one I'm surprised since I'm no.1 never this clumsy,no.2 surprised to see chivalry is not dead.


No.3 the person who caught me is .....

Benjamin Clark

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