9 years later

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It's been 9 years since I seen that man and women. I still wonder if they think of me or even remember me. I'm 15 now and I live with a woman name Jezabel Simpson and Toney Simpson. You would think everything would be great now wouldn't you? Yeah no!

I wake up to the buzzing of my alarm. I look at the clock "crap I'm going to be late".

I get up grab my jeans and slip one foot through and then other. I put my socks on an then my converse shoes, a black shirt then my hoodie! I Never can forget my hoodie.

I grab my books and head out the door. I don't worry about telling anyone I left because no one cares.

As I'm walking I see Jude, the new kid, he is sitting in the passenger seat of a black Ford pickup truck. I start to run wanting to get to the school.

As I'm running he watches me. He smiles a big smile and waves. I wonder if he's smiling and waving at me. I look around to see if anyone else is around. There is nobody but me.

I wave back a slow awkward wave and smile a weird smile which seems to make him laugh.

I hear a horn honking so I look up and find myself in the middle of the street. A car is coming straight at me. I try to move but I am frozen in place. I hear the brakes screech as it hits me sending me flying through the air and landing a few feet away. I lay there with my eyes closed wondering what just happened. I hear noises talking and sirensall around me.

I hear my name "Anna oh my god Anna are you aright" his voice loud and concerned.

I try to force out "yes I'm fine" or "yes" and nothing comes out. I just lay there. I open my eyes and see him right there with his cute eyes for a second and everything goes black.

"No Anna keep your eyes open" I try to sit up "no no you stay right how you are" he says his cute little accent like music in my ears.

I ask him to help me up. He helps me up with his arm under my back. I get to sitting position and try to get to my feet. I fall back down and he helps me back up.

I try to walk off so I can continue on to school.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"I'm going to school" I say.

"No you aren't the only place you should be going is to the hospital" I hear him say as I walk away heading for school.

I finally make it to the school yard still sore from getting hit. I walk through the doors. I keep my head down hoping nobody can see me. I walk to my locker and get some things out for class and walk to my classroom. As usual I am the first and only one in the class. I take my regular seat in the back row. Sitting alone waiting for the rest of the class to enter.

Tears of Anna's PastWhere stories live. Discover now