More Training

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Everyone's POV

Get up MAGGOTS !! You heard someone yell you quickly sat up the other cabins did the same. Today was the first real training day. You still were going to stay away from Armin but felt like something was going to go wrong today so even though you kept your distance you kept an eye on him. You also had Mikasa keep an eye on him. You had both gotten assigned to the same cabin. Now you and Mikasa were somewhat friends. She told you about how everyone had judged her and thought she liked Eren. She told you all about what happened and you understood she owed her life to him and her mother or adopted mother anyway had told her I trust you Mikasa I trust you to protect my son keep him from doing anything stupid and then she left that was why Mikasa was always around him. You looked at the clock in the cabin. "Crap I'm gonna be late !" You shouted threw on your uniform and ran out the door. "LINE UP MAGGOTS !!!" You heard a man shout you did as you were told. You had lined up and been right in the middle of everything. Armin was at the front you stayed ready to jump run or move in any way needed. You really didn't pay attention until you heard this. "WHO IN THE WALLS ARE YOU?" The commander yelled. "ARMIN ARLERT OF SHIGANSHINA SIR." Armin yelled in response. "WHY IN THE WALLS DID SOMEONE LIKE YOU COME HERE TO TRAIN MAGGOT?" The commander shouted back." "TO DEFEAT THE TITANS AND WIN FOR HUMANITY SIR." Armin yelled. "WHAT A STUPID REASON WHY I OTTA NO I WILL !!" The commander said then started to lift Armin by the head. You tied to fight the urge but you couldn't you spend through the rows of people not once looking back or hesitating you made your way to the front line where Armin was grabbed the commander by the shirt threw him to the ground looked him dead in the eyes and whispered to him. "There are seven possible ways I could kill you right now if you want to live I suggest that you should watch how you talk to and treat my friends if you thought for one second that I was just some noobie cadet with Normans to be here with no skills what so ever you were sadly mistaken. I hope that after this you have learned your lesson and unless you want to go through this again I suggest you don't mess with Jaeger or Ackerman got it." You said as you held yourself back from injuring him. Then you got up kicked him and walked back to your position. He went on and finally came over to you. "CADET WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" He shouted. "(Y/ N) (L/N) SIR." You responded. "WHY ARE YOU HERE CADET?" He yelled. "I'M HERE FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY SIR THEY NEED A STRONG FIGHTER SIR I WILL BE THAT SIR I AM ALSO HERE TO SEEK REVENGE ON THE TITANS SIR FOR THE FAMILIES WHO HAVE LOST SOMEONE SIR." You shouted. He then moved on.

--------time skip ---------

Now was the time for the 3DMG stability test if you failed this you failed training and were told to leave. As you approached the area people started to snicker and laugh. You walked up calmly as they hooked onto the machine you stood still calm and uninterested as they started to raise it you just sat there everyone had thought that was just talk before but you were dead serious. You sat in the air someone even came over to see if it was rigged nope. Someone flipped you upside down you easily regained balance and flipped back over. Everyone stared in awe. "Am I done now or do you need to take a picture?" You said. They lowered you down and checked again to see if it was rigged. "Next." They shouted. Next up was Armin he looked really nervous he was on the one that was beside you. You then noticed something odd. The ropes. You watched the ropes then they started to tear. You ran over to Armin then you held out your arms. The ropes snapped you caught him easily then got a bit embarrassed realizing he had fallen into your chest. He stood up quickly his face was red. "S-sorry I-I didn't mean t-to. He stuttered. "It's fine as long as you didn't do it on purpose and your ok. Plus I guess it was a softer landing." You said then smiled at him. He was kinda adorable the light pink on his face his adorable blue eyes his cute little nose and his blonde hair. Just so perfect plus he was smart. You started to hear chanting. "ARMIN'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND. ARMIN'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND. "They repeated. You looked around and then faced everyone giving them the deadly stink eye , the chanting stopped after that.

---------time skip to dinner---------

You sat alone in the darkest corner of the room. "H-hey (y/ N) thanks for catching me earlier." You heard Armin say. Time skip to end of dinner

"Hello there y-you look very pretty my name is Jean." Said a horse faced man." "Thank you." You said then turned around and left.

Sorry for such a short chapter I try to make them at least 1000 words long.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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