Chapter 2.

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"Dude, man, wake up! I got some good ass news!" I heard Lamar's voice ringing through my ears. I didn't check the time, but by the darkness of our van window, it sure as hell wasn't particularly normal hours of the morning.

"What man? It's probably like, what, 3 a.m.?" I questioned while sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"3:30." He corrected me.

"Sure, because that makes it all the better." I sarcastically retorted, chuckling softly.

"Whatever, man. I found a place! It's perfect for us." He said, rather energetic for it to be fucking 3:30 a.m.

"Cool, well I have a few questions, though." I said.

"Lay them on me." He said back to me as he waited for me respond.

"Where is it? How are we going to pay for it? How big is it? Will there be enough space for a studio? How man-" He quickly interrupted my nervous rambling as he chuckled lightly and responded.

"Dude, calm the fuck down. You're thinking out way too hard about this. It's here in Toronto, 65 Spencer in Parkdale to be exact. My old friend's Pops is a realtor. He's giving me the place for free for the first year, and there's more than enough space for the studio." He answered all of my concerns, slowly convincing me to actually try this out.

"What even gave you this idea, man?" I asked, looking at him in pure amazement. He's fast with this kind of stuff.

"It's time for a change. You're gonna be 19 in 2 weeks, man. We need our own rooms, we need space for your studio and we need space to throw the biggest and dopest fucking party for your birthday." Lamar smirks. I just laugh and shake my head at him. He's a fucking genius.

"I got it all perfected for us, man." He smirked, being that cocky nigga that he is. I just nodded as I went to the back to change my clothes and get ready for the day.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock going off, awakening me from my deep slumber. I went into the bathroom to do my morning routine then went out to the balcony.

Same shit, just a different morning.

I lit a cigarette as I watched the cars flood the streets and the billboard lights shining from one end of the street to another. Even during the day, the billboards create an illusion of light on the ground. It was amazing.
I walked back into my room to start my day. I grabbed a blue sweater, my old Levi jeans and my pull on boots. Literally, the only shoes I have. Instead of the bun, I let my wavy blonde hair fall past my shoulders. While grabbing my essentials for the day, I remembered yesterday. It could've been my big break, but it wasn't. Drake left and I saw no trace of him after my performance. I guess it just isn't my time.
After exiting the train, I make it to work. Once I walked in, I said my daily hellos and put my belongings in the back. The odd thing is, everything felt as if it was moving in slow motion. But hey, that's a typical Tuesday here at the coffee shop. I put my apron on and help the first customer.
"One Caramel Cappuccino for Duncan!" I yelled out as a tall, pale ginger came up and grabbed his order. He said a quick 'thank you', winked and with that, he left. I blushed as I went to serve the next customer. It's not that I was interested in the fella, I just don't consider myself 'beautiful'. I don't see what other guys see in me.
As the next several customers came up to the counter one-by-one, I couldn't help but keep glancing at the door, hoping that the man who could possibly change my life would walk through those doors. But nothing.

It's now 3:00, which means it's time for my singing gig. As soon as I was about to walk to the back, the door dinged and I turned around. He came.
"Hi! Um, do you want the same order as yesterday?" I said, trying to maintain my sanity.

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