Chapter 3.

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It's been two days. Two days since I've given him my number. But nothing. Not a call. Not a text. Absolutely Nothing. I'm trying not to lose hope here, but what else is there to do? I always end up disappointing myself, so it's kind of a natural reaction.

I wrapped my covers around me and walked onto my patio. It was super sunny today, so sunny that the glare from the sun shined off of the billboards and burned my eyes a bit. I sat on my chair and lit a cigarette, debating whether I should work today. I should be finding connections to promote myself. 'Drake isn't the only scout in the world, there's plenty more' I thought.

I sighed and pulled out my song book and re-read the songs that I've written over the years. I smiled a bit as I took a puff from my cig. These songs mean a lot to me just because everyone of these songs have a story behind them, but they tie back to the same situation in which all of inspiration for these lyrics came from. The first man that ever broke my heart. He was my first everything. He was my world, my sun, my everything. But he cheated on me. The day he left me, he took everything with him. Not only materialistic things; but my heart, my confidence, he made me feel like absolute trash, like I was nothing. It took a very long time for me to gain that back, but I'm glad that my heart mended. I smile at the outcome of my previous relationship, because it helped me on the path of becoming a new person. It helped me write the songs that I hope to become famous for one day. The only thing that I didn't gain back was my confidence.

I put out my cigarette and walked back into my room and into the bathroom. I looked at my reflection. My blonde hair was a disheveled mess on my head. The bags beneath my eyes, that seemed to have been there forever, are there resting with no intention of disappearing anytime soon. My rounded cheeks and proportionally slim nose sat upon my slightly paled face, not too far above my pouty pink lips that I've noticed to have grown a few cracks in them, due to the lack of moisture being added to them. I wasn't happy with my appearance. That's all because of him. He left me; I have no one here to make me feel pretty again.


I was walking the streets of downtown with my bestfriends, Lamar and Hawk. It's rare for us to be out this early, but I wanted to try something new. Nowadays, nights were used to put my inspiration for music on paper and the days were used to help me gain inspiration. I've written a few songs, but I feel like I haven't written anything that has that it factor. Just as I was thinking, my phone ringtone snapped me back to reality.


"Hey there, beautiful. How are you?"
I asked her.

Valerie isn't my girlfriend, but I consider her my first love. She was my first everything; my first kiss, my first fuck and the first girl that I introduced to my mom. She'll always have a special spot in my heart. She's stuck with me through everything; my cheating, my drug use, literally everything. I love her, no doubt about it.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about you. I haven't seen you in months, I guess I'm just missing your face." She said. I could almost hear the smile through her voice.

"I miss you too, babygirl." I said as I put my free hand in my pocket due to the chilly Scarborough weather. I looked up and saw Lamar on the phone as well, he looked deep in conversation.

"Hm, that didn't seem very genuine. I don't think you miss me enough." She said, giggling shortly after.

"I miss you more than you think, baby. Trust me." I said, chucking a bit. Hawk hit my shoulder and pointed to Lamar, who was signaling me to get off the phone.

"Baby I'm gonna call you later, okay?" I said.

"Okay. I love you, Abel." She cooed. I couldn't help but smile.

"I love you more, Valerie." I said as I hung up the phone.

"What is it, man?" I asked Lamar.

"Damn, you on the phone boo loving and shit. My man just called, the key's under the mat on the porch of our house, we're free to move in whenever!" He said, of course he was hella excited. Shit I am too.

"That's fucking awesome, man. Now we can plan for my party." I said, but Lamar was quick to correct me.

"Nah, nah. We got this, man! We'll hook you up, I promise." Lamar told me.

"My birthday's on a Thursday this year, man. That's weak as fuck. This party better be the best fucking Thursday party ever, nigga." I said laughing after my remark.

"Don't turn into bridezilla, man. I got you and trust me; you're never gonna forget this day." He said in that cocky tone that he's so famous for. I started getting excited. I got a feeling that it's going to be one of the best nights of my life.


I walk to my closet and pull out my worn out boyfriend jeans, a navy sweater and I let my wavy blonde hair fall past my shoulders. I then slip on my pull on boots and grab my jacket, exiting my apartment.

I decided not to work today, but to go out and walk feel how it feels to be apart of the madness that is Fashion Week. Not literally apart of Fashion Week, but I want to be apart how hectic the streets get. How chaotic the paparazzi are when they see a popular public figure. It's something different, something I've never tried before. That and I definitely need a new pair of shoes.

I walked down the streets of New York, which were quite busier than a typical Thursday, trying my hardest to not get trampled over by the passing strangers. I looked around and saw and heard nothing but commotion. Chaos. It was madness.

I walked a few blocks until I reached a store on the side of the street. I entered and I was pretty pleased with what i saw. I walked over to the shoe section and scanned the footwear. I came across a pair of all black Dr. Martens that happened to be on sale. I grabbed my size and walked to the front of the store.

"$57.92, Miss." The guy said. I pulled out my rusty old wallet and gave him the amount that was due. He took the money & handed me my bag. I said a quick 'thank you' and exited the store.

I walked out and just stood in the same place, wondering where I could go. I didn't really have any friends to hang out with; so I decided to go back home.

As I was walking, I bumped into a masculine figure, causing my phone and bag to drop.

"Shit." I muttered as I grabbed my things.

"I'm so sorry, I was in a-Elizabeth? We meet again!" I recognized that voice. Drake.

"Ha, we do. I haven't heard from you in a while." I said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I haven't called you. I've been extremely busy this week. I was thinking about calling you today, though. It's such a coincidence that I'm seeing you here." He said. He sounded excited, so that made my nervousness subside. I just nodded.

"Do you want to come with me to the studio? I was actually on my way there, and now that you're here, you should come too. Before I forget to all again." He chuckled.

"Um, o-of course!" I stuttered. He smiled and led the way to his truck. We got in and made our way to the studio. I was screaming on the inside. Never did I think this would happen. Things are turning around. Finally.

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