Villainy Thrives

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"It's not that I take life for granted, it's only that the good won't make it. Innocence dies, while villainy thrives." — Trivium


I can't tell what is day or night in this windowless basement which shuts me out from the world.

I assume it has been night for a while, though, since my abductor has left me alone for hours now. Alone, in the dark, without food. My stomach growls angrily and clenches with cramps throughout the long hours, begging to be fed. I finished my water bottle hours ago, so dehydration worsens the sharp pains.

I roll over on the scratchy mattress again, desperate to find a comfortable position, preferably one which somehow loosens the knot tied in my stomach. I could never really rest comfortably here, though. Nothing about this space or situation will allow comfort. I'm in a terrifying, abusive stranger's unfinished basement which lacks heat while away from my family with my future unknown. Of course I'm scared to death, much too scared to relax.

It's difficult to sleep anyway, with the last words of my captor still replaying in my mind. He said he wanted to destroy my innocence. What can I make of that? Not good things. Confusion laced with worry stresses my mind, as if the fear eating away in it it isn't already enough. I'm desperate for sleep, to escape this awful reality for a while in the safety of a dream, but the thought of that man somehow destroying my innocence is too frightening to ignore.

I roll over to my other side, gripping the blanket around me tightly, curling into a ball. My fingers then clasp together under my knees, my skin grateful for the warmth the position offers. My neck is sore without a pillow while my aching head throbs, the sound of blood pounding in my ears overwhelming. Each breath seems to take effort. I can't breathe too deeply or the stomach pains become too intense to bear without groaning.

Why is this happening to me?

What did I do? How do I deserve this? When will I understand what's going on? Who is the terrible man putting me through this? Where am I? Will I ever be granted answers, is there any chance at freedom?

Nothing stirs in the dark, yet I feel like something entirely sinister lurks in the shadows of it. I'm completely alone down here, yet it seems like at any moment, a monster will appear yelling "boo". Even worse, at any moment, my captor could appear, and who knows what that will mean? What will he want to do with me, what will he want from me?

With these questions pooling in my mind, of course sleep refuses to come.

Besides, what does it matter if I'm tired? Sitting on a mattress in the cold dark all day won't exactly require much energy. Oh, my life has become so pathetically frightening and hopeless so quickly.

It could have been minutes, or hours, but eventually, the door leading to the basement squeaks open. The outline of my abductor stands at the top, armed with the appearance of a bag and a tray in the other. He cautiously makes his way down the stairs, and I wonder if it amuses him when he moves slowly, because he knows it creates anxiety for his waiting victim. It's an unfair game, but he plays it well. I'm terrified, so he's winning.

"Good morning," he greets me, voice rough, scruffy. Morning. So how many mornings have I been here? Just one? Time makes no sense to me, especially since a gap exists in my memory which blurs surely a lot of details. Despite this, the fact that it's morning doesn't really matter. It could be midnight and I wouldn't know a difference. Such a wonderful way to start a day.

"Surely you're hungry," he continues, as he places the tray beside me, and then the bag on the floor which falls with an echoing slam on the ground. My stomach expresses its excitement as it sings a melody of starved relief. It takes effort to keep myself from not lurching at the food, but I'm nervous to eat it. What if he did something to the food? He's already drugged me once. I won't doubt the possibility.

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