Chapter Six

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**Kelly's POV**

I insist on having Harry back to my flat, not giving him a chance to refuse. Walter picks us up outside the Ed Sullivan theatre and within five minutes we're at the steps in front of my apartment. I thank my driver as I search for my keys in the bottomless pit that is my bag. Snatching them out, I slide my keys into the hole allowing the heavy black door to swing open. Kicking it shut, I slide off my shoes on the matt by the door, Harry thankfully following my example. I cannot stand grimy floors and I really don't feel like vacuuming.

Inviting him to sit down on my sofa, I toss him the clicker and instruct him to pick a show or movie while I get food. I grab a large bag of Lay's potato chips, crinkling them as I open the bag. Then I remove some Diet Cokes from the fridge, popping the tabs on them. When I return into my living room, I find Harry sprawled across the couch with Cat laying on his stomach.

"Well she likes you." I flash him a smile and place the food on the coffee table. She's not the only one, runs through my head but I try to repress those kind of thoughts.

"I like her too." He grins back at me, petting Cat as she purrs and lays on her back, stretching out. "I also like you." Harry smirks and I can feel the red heat burning up my cheeks. He swings his legs over the side of the couch to make room for me, and I plop down opposite him with my feet laying on his chest. He places his own feet on my stomach and I can't help but burst out laughing as a ticklish feeling erupts through my body. He finds this oddly endearing and I blush yet again when he calls me precious.


Three hours later we've completely changed positions as Harry sits with his feet kicked up on my coffee table. My head rests in his lap as he absentmindedly plays with locks of my hair. We watch This Means War, which bores me to death. Instead of focusing on the film, I find myself stealing glances at Harry every few minutes, admiring him from my angle. He captures my gaze a few times, his soft smiling illuminated by the bright tv screen. With no attention left to watch the movie, I shift my head to watch Harry as he continues watching.

He moves suddenly and we're kissing. I don't even know how it happens, but hes leaning down towards me while I sit up to close the gap in between us. Without breaking the kiss, I slowly move to straddle him. The kiss isn't heated, though. It's slow and full of passion, sending electrifying shocks down my spine. Harry glides his tongue across my lower lip but I refuse him access, attempting to play hard to get. I can't help but giggle against his lips when he lets out a groan of frustration. He nibbles on my lip and I finally let his tongue slip into my mouth. Slowly we begin to explore each others mouths, hands going everywhere. Dominance is thrown out the window as our tongues move together with equal power. I finally break apart to take a breath, but it's only a second before we crash together, kissing again. I burn to feel more of his touch, my hands running under his shirt against his flat stomach. Dragging my nails over his skin, I can feel the hard muscle under my touch. He slips his hands over my sides, tracing circles into my skin with his fingers. The sense of being cared for washes over me. So loved. So important. As if I was the only thing he cared or needed.

Eventually we break apart, untangling our limbs from each other slowly. A quick glance at the clock informs me that its 11:00pm and I sigh into Harry's neck where my head is currently residing. As if he can sense my exhaustion, he scoops me up in his buff arms as if I'm as light as a feather.

"Babe, where's your room?" He whispers into my ear and my skin crawls with goosebumps.

"Upstairs. Left." Are the only words I can manage, thoroughly wiped out. He wanders upstairs and I soon feel the soft embrace of my duvet washing over me. I hear Harry padding across my carpet once more, in the direction of my door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2013 ⏰

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