Just Another Day

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I was sitting on the chair in my school and all I do is thinking about you. I'm thinking about your smile when I saw you for the last time. I'm thinking about that how your smell was like. I'm thinking about your voice. I'm thinking about that how save I felt when I was with you at the party and all of my friends left. But I wasn't scared because I knew that I have you by my side.
And what am I doing now? We are arguing  because I don't want to tell you something and of course not because you have girlfriend now. And what am I? I am disappointed, heartbroken like I was never before.
I know I have my friends. I have Nancy, Marious, Jake and Tina but I don't have Lena anymore and she was my bestfriend for like few years. But you know what they say: "besfriends can become enemies". And I'm pretty sure that this will happened next.
So I'm thinking that I should post my feeling about you, so maybe you'll know that I'm talking about you or maybe you won't but that's not my problem anymore. My problem is that I am in love with somebody I shouldn't be and in that occasion is that you.
I'm still thinking about you every day and I hope for the best. When I drink I'm thinking about you or when I smoke some weed, because you are in my mind all the time. I hate you.
And I was writing that at morning, then in school and now is almost midnight and I'm still writing about you. Where does it gow huh? Not far right? But you have no idea because you have a gf now and you told me so many times that you're not for relationships. So I hope that's the one. I want you to be happy not miserable like me.
And when I get you out of my mind I have other things to do. But no, they're not enough.
I think I should write in the next page that I wanted to kill myself. That would be lovely.

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