~Chapter 5~

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I took my time in showering. Why am I here again? I asked myself after I turned off the water. As I opened up the shower curtain, I remembered the reason. Right, I followed Jungkook home and then got trapped here because a blizzard rolled in.

Grabbing a towel out of a cabinet, I dried my dark, long hair and placed the towel on the towel holder. I picked up the clothes Jungkook had lent to me and slipped into them. They were relatively comfy. I ran my hands through my hair a few times in attempt to brush it. Huh, I tried. I thought while looking at myself in the mirror. Picking up my dirty clothes off the ground, I unlocked the door, opened it, and made my way over to Jungkook's room.

"Yah, Jungkook. I'm coming it!" I hollered while opening his door at the same time.

"Wait, I'm not-" Jungkook had began. When I entered, my eyes shot opened and my mouth dropped wide open. I let go of my dirty clothes and phone on the ground. Swiftly, I whipped around so that I wasn't facing him anymore. "-wearing a shirt.." Jungkook said while his voice slowly became quieter.

"Erm, s-sorry. I didn't knock like you told me to earlier," I apologized. Images of his naked upper body popped up in my head again. Holy sh**! He's ripped, I thought recalling his abs and biceps. I heard a chuckle behind me and footsteps growing closer and closer. "W-What?" I questioned, my cheeks really warm again.

"You wanna touch them?~" he asked me in his best aegyo voice.

"Hell no!" I responded almost immediately. Still facing outside his room, I crossed my arms and tapped my foot on the ground. Abruptly, a hand grabbed my shoulder and spun my around. He turned me around with enough force that made me fall forward. I shut my eyes and prepared for the impact of the fall. Luckily, a wall of skin stopped me from continuing to fall forward.

I heard a loud "SMACK" when both my hands slapped into the smooth, warm wall. Of course, that wall was Jungkook. Gradually, I peeked through one of my eyes. Jungkook was looking down right into my eyes. That was when I realized how much taller than me he actually was.

"Sorry..." I muttered and took my hands off his abs. Jungkook placed one of his hands on my shoulder. As I looked at him, I felt as though his expression had softened. For some odd reason, I just couldn't seem to break our eye contact. Again, I noticed the distance between our faces getting closer and closer. To be truthful, I had absolute no idea as to what I was suppose to do. Before I knew it, his bangs were on my forehead and our noses were touching. My stomach began to churn and my face started to heat up. I felt like I was frozen in my position; I couldn't move. Jungkook kept on inching closer. When just his lips were hovering over mine by two centimeters, he halted.

"N-No, I'm sorry," he suddenly blurted out and turned his head away. While one of his hands were still on my shoulder, he covered his mouth with his other hand. I stared at him and watched a light shade of pink spread across his cheeks. What just happened...? I questioned the prior events of the day. "We should probably sleep... Uh, you're room is across from mine," he said still avoiding looking at me. I nodded, picked up my clothes off the ground, and opened the door across the hall. Before I closed the door, I turned around and saw Jungkook watching me.

"Yah. Goodnight, Jungkook-ssi," I told him and managed a smile. He smiled slightly and nodded. He scratched the back of his head and began to close his door.

"Goodnight, Halla," I heard him utter softly.

As I entered the room, I switched on the lights and closed the door behind myself. The room was a dark blue color and had pictures of a guy who resembled Jungkook quite a lot. Eh...? Who is he? Perhaps, his brother. I said in my thoughts. In one of the corners of the room, I spotted my backpack there. Jungkook must've put it there, I thought. I made my way over to a nightstand and the bed. Placing my phone on the table, I sat down on the edge of the bed. For a few moments, I sat there in silence. The bedroom seemed cold, untouched for a while now. The bed had no blanket, only one pillow. I turned off the lamp on the nightstand. It was dark, cold, and lonely. Not a single sound except for my breathing. Goosebumps began to rise on the surface of my pale skin. Before I started to lie down, I took off my bra since it would just cause me discomfort. I placed it on top of my backpack and then attempted to sleep. All I was able to do though was shiver. I don't know how long I lay there. I sat back up and picked up my phone, turning it on.

"It's already 2:46 A.M.. Jinja..." I sighed and then stood up. Suddenly, a light blub went off in my head. I kept my phone in my hand and opened the door to the room I was staying in. I walked across the hall and stopped in front of Jungkook's door. Extremely quietly, I knocked on his door. No response. With my phone in one hand, I opened the door to see him sleeping under a large, white, fuzzy blanket and then closed the door. I was able to feel the difference in heat between his room and his brother's. At least, I think it's his hyung. Now that I think about it, I wonder if Jungkook is older than me. Am I his noona? Or is he my oppa...? O.o Whatever, that doesn't matter right now. Carefully, I tip-toed over to Jungkook's bed and placed my phone on his night table. He didn't seem to be waking up any time soon. Sorry, Jungkook.

"Hey, Jungkook-ssi?" I said a bit nervous he would kill me or something. I poked his arm a few times. He shooed my hand away.

"Mmm, go away," he mumbled and waved his hand back and forth. Jungkook made a pouty face while still sleeping. I continuously poked his arm and started to take his blanket off. "Ugh, hajima(stop)..." he grumbled in a low voice and buried his face into his pillow, "It's cold."

"Jinja, it's even colder in the guest room without a blanket," I complained, crossing my arms. His eyes shot open and he pushed himself up, supporting his body with his arms. He face palmed himself and shook his face.

"Sorry, I forgot to give you a blanket. I also forgot that room get really cold in the winter. I don't have any extra blankets right now though..." he explained to me and let his voice trail off as he looked at me. I ignored the fact that he gave me an absurd look and sighed.

"It's fine, I'll just sleep in the other room. You keep the blanket," I said throwing the blanket over Jungkook.

"No, you're the guest. Have it," he insisted, taking the blanket off again and handing it to me. I hardened my expression and threw it on him again.

"No, YOU have it. I said I'm okay, so just take it. It doesn't matter really-" I started to rant, but was cut off when Jungkook grabbed me by the hand. He pulled me down and I landed on the bed next to him. While I was still processing what was happening, he threw the blanket over the two of us. I was facing the nightstand while I'm pretty sure he was facing my back because I felt him breath on my neck. Oh, this again. Despite my dislike of being all flustered around guys, I currently was again. Damn, he gets me everytime.

"Then let's just share," he whispered into my ear which sent shivers down my spine. I forced myself to contain my emotions. I don't really know what I was feeling all day. Am I happy, embarressed, surprised, mad, or... Maybe I'm just confused. I began to tell myself. I realized that one of Jungkook's hands were on my waist. I immediately started to burn up.

"J-Just keep your hands to yourself," I managed to tell him. He removed his hand from my waist and the back away from my neck.

"Yes, Halla-ah. Sleep well," he said and I felt something warm press against my head. What was that...? I asked myself, but I think I was able to guess. My face started to turn red again.

"Y-Yeah, goodnight. Jungkook," I answered, closing my eyes.

It didn't take long for me to drift into a deep sleep after that, but I noticed a difference in his room compared to the guest room.

It was really warm...

Yay! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm trying to hard to keep my word for updating at once every 2 days. Ty for reading. I think there was a little bit of fluff in this chapter. Okay see you guys next time! Bye-bye!

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