▪Chapter 7▪

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I closed my eyes at Jungkook closed tye distance between our faces. He cupped my face with his hand and leaned in. Closing my eyes, a pair of soft lips landed on mine and I felt a wave of energy surge through my body. It lasted for three seconds before he pulled away.

W-What did we just do...? I opened my eyes slowly and saw that Jungkook was staring right into my eyes. Good thing no one else was in the hall. I noticed a light shade of pink on his cheeks and I felt my face warm up as well. He still held my face with one of his hands and his other in the pocket of jeans. I began to feel shy again and I broke the eye contact, looking at the ground.


When I broke the kiss, I felt my face start to heat up. To be honest, I really wanted to kiss her longer because her lips were so soft... I didn't want to make her uncomfortable though. She held eye contact with me for like ten seconds after the kiss until she looked to the ground. I noticed her face turn red and I felt it heat up because I was still cupping her face with my hand.

Jinja, Halla is so cute... Oh god, why did I kiss her though? We just met yesterday. Plus, we're not even dating... A storm of thought suddenly clouded my head. I noticed her shuffling her feet back and forth. Removing my hand from her face, I took a step back.

"Halla... I should, um, probably get going," I suddenly blurted out and she looked shocked. She nodded beginning to take a key out of her pocket. I watched her put the key into the key into the keyhole and turn it.

Click! The door opened and Halla began to enter her dorm. She turned and waved, showing only the side of her face.

"G-Goodnight, Jungkook-ssi," Halla uttered softly. She closed the door before I could repsond.

Damn, I hope she isn't mad. I thought to myself. The entire time she was over my place, I kept having the urge to kiss her. It was probably awkward for her though... Jinja, why am I so flirty with girls like her...? Ahh... Halla is so cute though!!! I thought as I made my way back to my car. When I made it to my car, I unlocked it and drove home. I guess we'll see how she acts towards me on Monday...


As soon as I told him goodnight, I shut the door on him and locked it, not allowing him to answer. I felt as though my heart was going to jump of my chest. I put down my backpack on the ground, took off my shoes, and went into the bathroom to shower. While I was taking off my clothes, I realized I didn't return Jungkook's sweatpants, hoodie, and beanie... Oh, well... I'll just give it back on Monday. I told myself as I showered.

After I finished showering, I exited the bathroom, took my backpack out of my bag, and took out my phone. I sat down on my bed crisscross applesauce. I pressed the power button and looked at the time.

"How is it already 10:47 P.M....? Shit..." I began and suddenly cursed. I held up one of my hands and covered my lips. My mind kept wandering back to the kiss with Jungkook-ssi. Jinja, that was my f-first... Yah!!! I suddenly dropped my phone in my lap and held my head in my hands, tugging at my hair.

HOW CAN A GUY'S LIPS BE SO SOFT!?!? I fell back and landed on my pillow. Closing my eyes, I breathed in and out slowly, calming myself donw. After I got myself calmed down, I picked up my phone and opened up my messages. I clicked on the group chat with Minju-unnie and Jane.

Hey guys. I'm back at my dorm now... How are you guys?

In a matter of seconds, the first reply came from Jane followed by Minju-unnie.

Yah! Halla-unnie, how was it with that oppa? *wink*

What are you guys taking about...? "That oppa"?

Well, Halla-unnie got herself a boyfriend!

Jinja? Who is he?

My face flushed at the responses. A-Are we...? No! Jungkook and I are just friends! I corrected myself and started typing on my phone.

Yah!!! NO ONE! I don't have a boyfriend. I already told you Jane-ah! -_-

Aww, you're no fun, Halla-unnie.

You surprised me for a second there. Btw, do you guys wanna hang out tomorrow?


Sure... I'll text you guys again tomorrow. Tell me where and when we're meeting in the morning. Goodnight for now... Saranghae! <3

Jane & Minju:
Goodnight, love you, Halla/Halla-unnie!

After I read those two last texts, I turned off my phone and put it down. I wonder what we're doing tomorrow... I hope Minju-unnie and Jane-ah don't pry though... I thought while exhaling softly. Shutting out the lights, I attempted to go to sleep, but again... I kept thinking back to the kiss and my face turned red everytime the thought popped up in my head. My heart started to beat faster again. The events that occured throughout yesterday and today...

Jungkook-ssi, that pabo... Stole my first kiss.

This chapter was short... Oh well.... I'll update as soon as possible again... Btw, I've been quite curious as to where the Ark went.... Do any of you guys know? TY FOR READING!

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