°Chapter 11°

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At 7:00 A.M., my phone began to go off. Ugh, five more minutes... I groaned to myself in silence. While I laid on my back, I opened my eyes and stared up at the white ceiling. After approximately five minutes, I pushed myself up with my arms and hopped out of bed. Buzz, buzz. My phone began to vibrate on my nightstand. Picking up my phone, I looked at the caller ID. I cleared my throat and swiped the Answer button.

"Yaboseyo...?" I greeted the person on the otherside of the line.

"Yeah, it's Jungkook," he answered.

"I saw, it said 'Jungkook the Pabo'," I responded while I walked towards the bathroom. I pulled the phone away from my ear and placed it down on the area around the sink. Pressing the speaker button, Jungkook began to talk again.

"Yeah, yeah. Anyways, I'm outside your room," he stated and released a quiet chuckle. As soon as he said that, I accidently almost swallowed the water I was washing my face with. Before I answered, I grabbed a towel and dried my face.

"First of all, I didn't invite you. Sencondly, why?" I questioned the pabo and slipped into the outfit I planned to wear in my head. *A/N Outfit above...*

"I felt like it," his voice sounded through my phone's speakers. I just rolled my eyes as I picked my backpack off the ground and hung it on my shoulders. Picking up my phone, I checked the time. 7:21 A.M.

"It's so early though," I protested as I picked up my phone. Making my way to the door, I put on my converse and unlocked the door. When I opened, the first thing I saw was Jungkook leaning against the door across the hall with his phone to held to his ear. He smiled at seeing my face and I just released a sigh.

"Good morning, Halla-ya," he greeted me properly, putting his phone into the pocket of his blue jeans. I nodded in response and closed the door behind myself. When I turned around, he was still just staring at me.

"So, you're not gonna wear a jacket again," he pointed at my T-shirt and shook his head. I looked down and remembered I had forgotten to wear a jacket again. Without answering, I opened my door again and got a red sweatshirt and pulled it over my head. I looked around the room one more time and a black pile of clothes caught my attention. Before I ran out of the door, I quickly grabbed it. Once I got outside again, I shut the door and tossed the clothes at Jungkook.

"There ya go," I said as he caught the clothes. He glanced down to the clothes and back at me. Yup, those are the clothes I borrowed from him I think.

"Oh, right. Thanks," he nodded as he stuffed them into his backpack. After he put them away, we started to make our way to the exit of the dorm. Jungkook pushed open the glass door and we made our way to our first class. As we were walking, I noticed not many people were out, yet.

Once we reached the room, we went inside and sat in the seats we wanted to. The professor of this class seemed to be a woman in her early forties. I went ahead of pabo Jungkook and chose a seat closer to the window. He followed me shortly and took the seat behind me.

Not long after we sat down, Minju-unnie and Jimin-ssi entered the room. Her cheeks were a light pink color while a smile was spread across her face. To me, it really seemed to be that they were flirting with each other. At one point, Minju-unnie finally noticed me looking at her and her "oppa".

"Oh, Jimin-oppa, I'm going to sit over there by Halla," I heard unnie tell Jimin-ssi. The two walked over to me and Minju pulled out the chair next to me and sat down. Jimin took the chair behind her, which was next to none other than, Jungkook.

"Huh, this is the perfect seat for me," Jimin stated while wearing a beaming smile on his face.

Jungkook glanced over to Jimin-ssi, rolled his eyes, and muttered, "Great, I get to sit next to this."

Jimin-ssi appeared to be taken aback by his dongsaeng's words before his face started to boil with rage. "Jeon Jungkook! I'm you're hyung!" Jimin began to whine like a little child not getting what they want.

Jungkook just shrugged his hyung's words off and continued to listen to music with his earbuds. Next time me, I heard Minju-unnie trying to suppress a laugh because of the way Jimin reacted towards Jungkook's lack of respect. Jimin glanced over to Minju and looked away shyly. Hah, I've spotted a pair of lovebirds. >3<

"Hey. Halla-ya, is Jane in this class?" Minju asked suddenly changing the topic.

"Neh, but I don't know where she is," I remarked while pulling out a binder from my book bag. Minju made an "o" shape with her mouth and turned back to the front of the room. The teacher was moving to the front of the classroom and stood there. The bell rang and the teacher opened her mouth.

"Welcome to class. I am your dance instructor, Ms. Choi. This is actually not the room we will continue to learn in from now on. We will be meeting in the dance room starting today. Before I continue with introductions, let's go to the dance room!" Ms. Choi stated beginning to walk towards the exit of the room. The four of us and our other classmates shortly followed her to the dance studio. Shortly, we arrived at a spacious room with mirrors as two of the walls. We placed our bags by the wall with no mirror and went to the center of the room.

"Okay, so let's get into it. Our first assignment is going to be working with a partner or partners to come up with a dance routine. Now, now. I know we are jumping quite ahead, but I wish to see where each of you are already are and we go from there," Ms. Choi rambled on while examining each of our faces. Ms. Choi had a bob-cut with black hair and was slightly taller than I was. Huh, I have a few questions...

I raised my hand and opened my mouth, "Umm, Ms. Choi? I have a few questions." Jungkook and Minju looked over to me and back at the instructor.

"Yes and what is your name?" The teacher responded.

"My name is Lee Halla. My question is are you choosing our groups?" I questioned her. She inspected the class again before answering.

"Yes. Since your group is small with only around twelve students, I will put you into groups of two. And I apologize on not knowing names. I will work on that, but for now the groups," she explained. We all nodded our head as she began pointing at people while saying, "You and you."

She started off with my side of the room and put Minju and Jimin together. Dang, I wanted to work with Minju-unnie... I silently complained to myself. I took note of Minju-unnie's eyes light up and same with Jimin's. The instructor pointed at me and then tapped her foot on the ground.

"You can work with... This guy," she smiled and pointed over to Jungkook. He glanced over to me and smirked.

"Great..." I mumbled as she moved on and continued to create groups. Jungkook scooted over to me and slightly nudged me in the arm.

"Hey, partner. Excited to work with me?" Jungkook said in an almost teasing voice. All I did was look up to him and pout. Oh, great. This is gonna be fun...

Hey, I'm truly sorry it took me so long to update. I got busy with school work again and shit like that. =( I apologize for such a short chapter and late update. See you guys next chapter...!
~Your Truly Sorry Author-nim♡~

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