♤Chapter 2♤

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Yay! Second chapter is out! I'm going to try to make this chapter a bit longer... We'll see how I feel about it. Btw I decided that I'm going to be writing this from Halla's P.O.V. the majority of the time. Occasionaly, I'll write from Jungkook's perspective. I'm not gonna talk to much, so let's continue from where we left off from the last chapter!
~ Winter_Solstice ♡~♡


After being up in Jungkook's face, I avoided any eye contact with him for the rest of the class. I found it quite difficult to focus and listen to the teacher, Ms. Kang because Jungkook kept looking over at me and tapping my shoulder.

"Hey, Halla. If it's about earlier, don't worry about it," he whispered while still facing the teacher. I watched him out of the corner of my eye *A/N Ikr kinda creepy*. He sat on the edge of his chair with his legs open and one elbow on the desk. I noticed him tilt his head to my side and caught him look at me. Our eyes locked for a moment before I looked away remembering what happened earlier. Dang, I have to stop being so shy. That's so not like me... Why am I even embarressed?

Ms. Kang continued to talk about the rules and procedures that we had to follow in her classroom. I released a sigh beginning to feel bored. Jungkook held his head in his hands making a pouty face. I chuckled softly and covered my mouth when he looked at me again. I forgot to mention our seats were at the very back of the room, so Ms. Kang didn't really take notice of us. "What...?" He he said a smile spreading across his face.

"Heh, nothing," I grinned mischievously. He playfully punched my arm, and don't worry it didn't hurt at all. I drew my attention back over to Ms. Kang talking in the front of the room.

"In my class, there is a mix of first and second years. I hope you guys can get along. Tomorrow we will be starting our first unit. You will be working with the person next to you, so now with the time remaining of the class, just talk. Wait, are there any questions?" I glanced around the room to see if anyone had a question for the teacher. "Well then. Use the 10 minutes left in the period to talk or relax. Your choice," Ms. Kang stated before sitting back down at her desk and using her laptop.

"So, time to talk?" Jungkook said turning his body so he faced me. I raised one eyebrow and shrugged. He continued to look at me as I pulled out my phone and ear buds. Putting one into my ear, I held the other one in my hand. I started playing the music.

"Nah, want to join me in listening to music...?" I answered and watched him take the ear bud out of my hand. He just nodded and placed it into his ear. We just sat there as other groups of people talked to each other. Hmm... I was pretty sure at least one of my friends would be in this class... I thought to myself.

The ten minutes went by relatively fast, so once Ms. Kang said the class was dismissed, I glanced over to Jungkook. I noticed his head was on the desk. "Aish, are you serious... Yah, Jungkook-shi! Wake up, class is dismissed!" I said while shaking him. I sighed and released my hand from his shoulder. "Fine, I'll see you around," I muttered grabbing my bag off the ground. I began to walk towards the door and looked back. Jungkook finally lifted his head, opened his eyes, and lifted up his hand into a wave. I waved back and then left the room. As I left the classroom, I remembered my next class was at 10:00 A.M. and it was only 9:17 A.M.. I continued to walk in the hall as people passed by me.

"Huh? Oh my gosh! It's Halla!" I heard two familiar voices chant in unison. I glanced behind myself. Oh my! So they are here! I thought to myself cheerfully.

This Wasn't Suppose to Happen (Another JungkookxHalla FF)Where stories live. Discover now