Becoming The Seventh Grade Whore

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I know they don't show the description anymore so here it is!


Being a whore isn't easy. Neither is being victimized by whore. Especially by a whore who is in seventh grade.

Seventh grade is supposed to be easy. I mean isn't it just to suppose to be about animal crackers and juice boxes. I mean, that's what they make it look like in the tv shows. So why the hell is it so complicated in reality?

Meet Lizzy Carter. A seventh grader with trust issues. And Keira Tarlin. A seventh grader with family problems. Both girls. Both attend Ashburn Middles School. And both "love" the same boy.

Okay I don't want to make this super long cuz I know half of you guys won't even read it but yeah here:

•Please don't copy my story. My ideas, my credit. You don't see me going around snagging parts of your story! ;) Well unless you don't have one... Cuz then I won't have anything to steal. Just please don't steal it. Thanks.

•Please comment. Or vote. Or fan. Either or. I get what I can take. Lol but seriously I appreciate all the feedback.

Umm that's pretty much it! Love you guys! xxx

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