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First chapter. Its pretty short but its only the beginning. Thanks to tjrokster for the AMAZING cover! Go follow her ;)


Becoming the Seventh Grade Whore

"Lizzy! Lizzy what's wrong?" My twin sister shouted at me, as I walked into our disgusting teal painted room.

"What's wrong is that you don't clean this nasty ass room." I said picking up a purple lacy thong and flinging it across the room into a huge pile of dirty clothes sitting in a corner.

"This room is yours, just as much as mine. If you have problem with the room, then you can clean it yourself." Hell no. I scrunched my face. "Now what's really the problem?" Elani asked me.

"Nothing, now leave me the hell alone." I said storming into our ensuite bathroom, and slamming the door.

"Elizabeth, do not slam anymore doors in my house." The lady who gave birth to me screamed from the living room.

"Whatever!" I screamed back. I ran a hand through my shoulder length, brown hair. It was too short. That's why I liked weave. I hated my hair. Like I hated my mother. I know people aren't suppose to hate their parents, but I literally hated her. She was a nasty whore. But like they say, Like mother, like daughter.

I smirked and adjusted the pink flower in my hair and straightened out my black mini skirt. There were times like these where I was glad that Ashburn Junior High did not have uniforms. I mean they had dress code rules and shit, but it wasn't like I paid attention to them.

I walked out the bathroom and picked up my phone and keys off my bed-which was top bunk. "I'm going out." I told Elani before exiting the room.

"Wait, where are you going?" She called to me, following me out of our messy bedroom. Our house was pretty small. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room, living room, and a basement that was unfurnished with a few raggedy couches and a pool table. But we had a pool in the backyard, so I guess my house was okay. It was just dirty all the time.

I walked into the living room to see my mom smoking a cig and watching some retarded reality show. "Mom. Can have twenty bucks?" This was all my mom did all day. Watched reality tv, wishing her life could be like that, and bringing men over at night. It paid the bills though. See, she would sleep with married men, and then she'd tell them she was pregnant. Of course they would want to "abort the baby", so they'd tell her they would pay for all the expenses of the "abortion". But then she'd tell them since she was so old, she'd have to go out of town for some special treatments, so they'd have to give her more money. It was really pathetic. She told me her scamming system one time when she was drunk.

She dragged her eyes lazily towards me. She looked me up and down and then reached in her pocket to pull out some bills. "For what? Where are you going?" She asked, handing me the bills anyways.

I snatched them from her. "Out with some friends." I said, my shiny gold Nike gym shoe heels clacking against the wooden floors as I reached the front door.

"Is that Rashaad boy going to be there?" She asked skeptically, looking over my skimpy outfit again. See the thing about me, is that I don't deny or accept the fact of people calling me a hoe. It was halfway true. I dressed like one, I acted like one. But I didn't sleep around with lots of dudes. Only one. The one I was in love with.

"I don't know if RAYMOND is going to be there..." I lied. Wherever Raymond was, I was. Same with me. Except when I was around Chez and Ryn. He hated Chez and Ryn. Even though they were my best friends.

"Well take Elani with you."

"Whyyyyyy?" I whined, crossing my arms.

"Cuz she's your sister. Your younger twin. You're suppose to look out for her." I glanced at Elani, who was creeping behind our bedroom door, not so secretly listening to the convo. I rolled my eyes.

"Mom, she's not popular. I am." Okay that was mean. But it was true. Ever since Elani gained a couple of pounds, boys stopped liking her and she lost lots of attention. Okay, that was meaner. I mean I loved my sister, I really did. She was only one of the few people I actually loved. But she didn't like Raymond, and I was in LOVE with him. And I know I should probably listen to my sister's warnings about how bad he was and yada yada yada, but she doesn't understand how I feel about him. No one does. And when your twin sister doesn't even understand, then you're really alone. She's never had anyone to treat her special like Raymond does to me. Well he treats me special when we're alone. He isn't really one for PDA. But when we're by ourselves, he makes me feel so loved. He gives me butterflies and makes me happy. He makes me feel useful.

"Take your sister. Or I'm cutting your phone off." She said, taking another drag. Ugh. She always does this!

"But mom!" I stomped my right foot. If I threw a tantrum, maybe she'd let me leave by myself....

"She doesn't have to take me." My sister whispered and we whipped our heads around to face her. I looked my sister up and down. Her short light brown hair with blue streaks and frappe colored skin. She wore a long sleeve green shirt, some athletic shorts, an ankle bracelet and black converse. She was becoming such a tomboy.

"Look. She doesn't even want to go!" I convinced my mom, who only glared at me. I groaned. "Fine! Come on Lani!" I shouted, walking out the door, making sure it slammed behind me.

Minutes later, Elani came out side with black skinnies on and a gray and purple crop top, showing a bit of her tummy. Better. Much better. I smiled at her. I grabbed her hand and linked our fingers together, pulling her down the sidewalk. "Hurry up let's go before the party starts." I squealed, probably confusing her from the sudden mood change.


We arrived at London's house. It was a very big brick house at the end of Adam St. I could immediately hear the chatter of loud teens and splashes in her pool. London and I were cool, somewhat. She was popular, I was popular- so people just assumed we were friends, which we just went along with.

I opened the tan gate to her back yard. A chief keef song started booming through her stereo. I felt eyes fixate on me, but I was used to the attention. I turned towards Lani and immediately let her hand go. "I'm going to go find Raymond. I think Alyson said she was coming so go find her. Text me if you need me!" I shouted in her ear since it was so loud. Alyson was one of my closest friends but Lani's BEST friend. Sh nodded at me, and I turned away to go find Ray, not before picking myself up a cooler.

A few sips later, I spotted a very familiar grey hoodie, with lime green letters that spelled Hollister at the bottom. I tapped the figure, making them turn a round

"Hello Raymond." I said before wrapping my arms around his neck and pecking him on the lips.

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