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Okay so a few things. I'm changing the cover again, not that the other one wasn't AH-MAY-ZING, but I was just really excited to use this new one. So thanks to my friend Annie for the cover:) Another thing is a massive thank you to Alicejoanna_xo for help on promoting my story. I was so confused and she helped BIG time. So I'm gonna dedicate this chappie to her :) Thanks again! Go follow her.

Two, I think I'm going to have Madison Pettis play Lizzy. I'm not sure about Keira (another character you'll find out about very soon :)) Any suggestions?

Oh and thanks for all the constructive criticism and help on the last chapter. I edited it, you might want to read it over. This is just the beginning and the chapters WILL get better. That's about it. Please comment or vote. I really appreciate it. Thanks again :)

So here's chapter two:

Becoming the Seventh Grade Whore

Keira's P.O.V

"I wonder if she thinks 'Maybe if I poke my ass out a little more, people will like my picture more?'" I laughed at Kym as she scrolled down on the pictures of Lizzy Carter's Instagram page. Yep, she was my best friend. No, not Lizzy Carter. Kym was. Lizzy Carter was just Ashburn Junior High's seventh grade whore. Mhmm. You heard right; there is such thing as being a hoe in the seventh grade. Lizzy Carter... I don't know what exactly to say to describe her. Like the Regina George of Ashburn. Everyone hated her in reality, but rather think she'd liked them. She was just popular and pretty, who wouldn't want to be her friend. Even if she was a total beotch. I personally didn't hate Lizzy. We were pretty cool, I guess.

"Kym, you're just gonna drive yourself even crazier looking at her pictures." I said leaning across her bed, and grabbing her iPhone out of her hand. The sleek, cool material shocked me, making me drop the phone. We both jumped up and looked down at the phone that was currently laying face down on Kym's bedroom floor.

I looked at the phone, then Kym, then the phone again

She looked at Me, her phone, and then back at me.

"Ermmmm..." I muttered, unsure on what to say or how I could possibly help myself in this situation.

"If it is cracked, I will kill you." She spoke, her voice deep and words harsh. I gulped because I knew she was a hundred percent serious. See, the thing about Kymberly DeLuca was that she could be the sweetest person you ever met, but would kill you if you messed with any of her Apple products. She was a woman possessed. (Ha, another Mean Girls reference) She was absolutely obsessed with all apple things. It was quite ridiculous. She was one of those people who would wait outside for days until the new iPhone came out.

She bent down and lifted up the iPhone 5 slowly and steadily. I bit down hard on my lip anxiously as she flipped the phone over to see the-hopefully none- damage.

The screen was fortunately clear with no cracks or scratches. "Sweet baby Jesus." I cried, dropping to my knees next to Kym. It was a miracle. God wanted me to live.

She stood up swiftly and cuddled her phone against her chest. "I love you baby. I'll never let that awful lady touch you again." She mumbled pressing little kisses to the inanimate object. This was getting absurd; it was really just a phone. Not that I'd never tell her that. She'd add me to her death list.

"So, how is it at home?" Kym asked me. "Y'know, since Camilla has come home?" I sighed.

"It's okay, I guess. She just stays up in her room y'know." I felt myself tearing up. "I miss her so much. So so much." Kym immediately jumped up and engulfed me into a big hug. She was the best best friend ever.

"It's okay. Things will get better." I said, trying to soothe me. I sure hope so."You know what, I think you need some cheering up." Uh oh. "London Even is throwing a party tonight." Kym suggested, waggling her perfectly arched eyebrows.

Becoming The Seventh Grade WhoreWhere stories live. Discover now