Chapter 2: a mysterious note

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So, thanks skylumos13565  for already commenting and encouraging me in this book! Check out her book Better than Firewhiskey, it's really good. I am going to try to update everyday this week, since it is spring break, so that should be really fun. I know it is probably not very good and it's confusing, but hopefully it gets better. This'll be the last time we hear from Victoire for a while, so that should be fun. By the say, whenever I see the written word "seriously " or "serious " it really bothers me. So there are going to be some Sirius puns that aren't meant to be funny, they're just there. The video is riddles in the dark from Lord of the Rings. That is where the riddle the door asks her is from. Love you all!

Victoire's P.O.V.

It was already time to leave for the Kings Cross station. That is where we met Teddy and Cassi and them. I have noticed lately that my veela charms have been working, although I cannot yet control them. My mother says that once you get the hang of it, you can decide when you want boys to be attracted to you, especially. I was planning on trying to use them on Teddy, but unfortunately they burst out right as I was hugging Charlie. So now the silly sod is drooling over me and slinging his arm around me any chance he gets. Not that I mind, much. In fact, it might even be a good thing because Teddy might notice and realize he is jealous. For now I am content with making all of the girls jealous because I have the second most attractive male at Hogwarts wrapped around my little finger.

Considering my newfound veela powers, as I like to think of them, I might be able to get away with a lot more than the other girls, although Rachel might as well be a full blooded Veela the way that she enchants everyone with her voice and looks, and her eyes. The frustrating part is that she doesn't mean to. Personally, I sail (it might be row, ship, or boat, instead of sail, you know how muggle sayings are) Chachel, which is the sail name for Charlie and Rachel's relationship, which just so happens to be nonexistent. I also sail Tedtoire, of course, with all of my heart and soul. Cassi can be single forever. There aren't any guys good enough for her, except for Teddy and Charlie, and I'm already boating them with someone else. Oh, who cares, might as well ship Charliopeia.

I siriusly cannot wait for quidditch tryouts. Unless they make Mark the captain, I am pretty much garunteed the seeker position. If he is the captain, then I am resigned to being a chaser. Maybe I can veela him into letting me be the seeker! Oh, mum gave me a great gift when she gave birth to my glorious self as one eighth veela! Not only am I outrageously beautiful, but I am also a genius at transfiguration and charms, and am better than some seventh years if I do say so myself. Not only that, but my parents are famous, plus my dad is sort of part werewolf. I have a lovely life, and someday I will be Mrs. Lupin because my dear Teddy will marry me.

  Cassiopeia's P.O.V.

I was excited, it was the first day of my third year at Hogwarts. We had experienced an uneventful train ride on the way to Hogwarts. I rode in a compartment with Teddy, Rachel, Charlie, and Victoire. Teddy's hair was turquoise as usual, but he had recently begun to look more like the pictures of his father. The feast in the great hall was stupendous as usual, and we got many promising Ravenclaws.

First years are often super adorable. But sometimes I forget that eleven year olds know everything. For instance, a first year boy insisted that the entrance to the Ravenclaw tower was the fireplace of Flitwick's office...? He argued with me about it as if he were the one that had been there for two years. Insufferable idiot! I also overheard him arguing that Harry Potter is the Minister of Magic. Everybody knows that Kingsley Shacklebolt is our Minister! I siriusly have no idea how that dolt was sorted into Ravenclaw.

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