Chapter 6: first year begins

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So this is the train ride and sorting ceremony. It isn't very good, but it's fine, I guess. I wanted the train ride and feast in the same chapter and I didn't want it to be too long, so I'm sorry if it feels rushed.

Cassiopeia's P.O.V

We had a kind of laid back two weeks before school started. We studied half the time, which I admit was kind of fun. We mostly learned new spells and made new potions from higher level books. My main interest is in spell theory, I enjoy creating spells, or trying to, it is very hard though. I also like making up potions and improving ones that are already in existence. When Hermione was not forcing me to study, I either read some of the books I had brought with me or played with Felis. Felis is a sweetie. He cuddles with me whilst I sleep, and he is really big.

Before we knew it, it was September 1, and we were the first ones at platform 9 3/4. McGonagall insisted we ride the train, so we look like all the other first years. We picked a compartment at random and sat, waiting for someone to join us or for the train to start. After a long time, a boy looked in our compartment but hurried away. He probably didn't want to sit with girls, but Hermione called him back. "Hey! You definitely can sit here! Nobody else is sitting here!" And the boy was too scared to disagree. He had nervous blue eyes and was rather chubby. He reminded me of a mouse or chipmunk. Hermione tried to engage him in conversation, but to no avail, receiving only monosyllables in her vain attempts. His name was Peter Pettigrew and he was eleven years old, and that's pretty much all we knew, other than that his favorite color is red, he wanted to be in Gryffindor, and he liked candy a lot.

I thought that was going to be all, but as the train was pulling out of the station, a miserable, dejected looking boy knocked softly on the door to our compartment. We opened it. "Excuse me," he said, "All of the other seats are... Taken. Do you mind if I sit here, or shall I move on?" I am very ashamed to say I thought about lying and saying the seat was, in fact, taken. The boy had ugly vicious nasty gruesome scars all over. He looked rather startling. His miserable expression coupled with patched clothing and old trunk completed the look. He was not a pretty sight.

"Oh, yes!" I exclaimed after staring for a couple seconds, which was extremely rude, "yes, yes of course! No one else is sitting there! " I tried my best to cover up how horrified I had been at first. I blushed at my rudeness. He looked very grateful and put his trunk up. As he reached to put the trunk up, an old looking scab on his neck tore a bit. He grimaced and muttered something about how it should have healed up after almost a month, but cleaned it by magic with such ease I was impressed. Perhaps he was a second year.

Hermione had the same thought apparently, "are you a first year too, then?" She asked.

"Oh, yes, I am a first year. I've already memorized some spells that-" he broke off and smiled a bit, "come in handy"

I then realized that even though this boy had been late, he had not been out of breath. He didn't seem hurried either. I decided not to comment, as it might be a sensitive subject, but I gathered that we were not the first people he had asked for a seat.

Hermione broke the awkward silence we had slipped into. "My name is Hermione Granger. I'm a first year and I want to be in Gryffindor. I like to read and do spells. My favorite color is rose pink and I have a cat named Crookshanks who is adorable."

The scarred boy took the cue. "I'm Remus Lupin. I am going to be a first year this year, and I also hope to be in Gryffindor, although I would be fine with Ravenclaw. I also enjoy reading and spells, and I enjoy eating chocolate. My favorite color is blue. I do not have any pets, but have a great deal of experience with animals." The way he said it sounded almost bitter. Perhaps it was a lion or tiger or something that gave him those scars. I looked at him closer and noticed his creamy brown eyes, like chocolate and sandy brown hair.

It was my turn next, "my name is Cassiopeia Lawrence, you really don't have to call me a that, though. Cassi or something would be just fine. I want to be in Gryffindor too, but I think I'll probably be in Ravenclaw. I like sky blue. I like reading and experimenting with potions and spells. I have a pet cat. Her name is Felis and she is really big. I don't know what kind of cat she is." I watched Remus's face and noted that he did not flinch at the mention of a cat. Perhaps it was a bear or wolf or something. I decided not to press the issue. Peter introduced himself, although he just told us his name, not anything else. The rest of us talked about books we had read. Hermione zoned out when Remus and I talked about the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, but was very animated when discussing Hogwarts: A History.

We finally arrived at Hogwarts, a short time after changing into our school robes, and a very large man named Hagrid who said he was the gamekeeper brought us over in boats across the lake which apparently held a giant squid. We lined up to be sorted. Some of the other students were scared, but I wasn't. I was sure I was going to be in Ravenclaw, I was before, so I was now, probably too. I hoped the boy, Remus would be sorted into Ravenclaw too, then I could be his friend when people teased about his looks.

I watched the other students being sorted. I noticed a collective gasp as a handsome little boy named Sirius Black was sorted into Gryffindor. He seemed surprised himself, but swaggered down to his place at the Gryffindor table. A pretty girl with dark red hair and green eyes was sorted into Gryffindor, she looked like the kind of girl who could be Hermione's friend, as Hermione was also Gryffindor. Before I knew it, It was my turn. The hat had barely touched my head when it screamed "GRYFFINDOR" that was odd, but I'm not complaining. I sat near the pretty red head, her name was Lily Evans she was talking to Hermione. Remus was next. He was an easy "GRYFFINDOR" I suppose anyone able to be so polite in the face of such hardship would be. He sat across the table from me and I smiled at him. Next to him was the Black boy, who had engaged him in conversation. Another girl named Marlene sat on the other side of me and Peter sat nearby. I was surprised he was Gryffindor. He seemed so nervous. A boy with messy black hair and a confident air sat down next to Black, distracting him from Remus. Lily looked very disappointed when "Snape, Severus" was sorted Slytherin. Professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, announced a couple of things, then we ate. Altogether, it was a very fulfilling experience.

I shared a dormitory with Hermione, Lily, and Marlene. Lily seemed much like Hermione and myself. A bit of a bookworm who actually studied. But she also seemed more social. I could tell Marlene was the one to get us out to parties and stuff. She was fun loving, athletic, and pretty. She had a quick smile and was not afraid to share her opinion. This year was going to be fun. Really fun.

So I hope that wasn't horrible. Once I get to the actual story part, I hope it gets better. It feels awfully fast paced to me, but I don't know how to slow down. Love you all! God bless!


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