Deja vu

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"What if I told you it is all a dream, what if I told you that I've been dreaming of you this entire time, and this thing that is happening between us is not true?"

My head was pounding at the memory. This had to stop. One way or another I had to get over Josh he was in fact a fragment of my imagination, of my dreams.

My ideal dream boy. The perfect match I created for myself. "Marionette, are you listening to me?" Asked Julius, my lawyer.

"Um yea- well no I'm sorry, I'm not, can you repeat that again," this time I focused on what Julius had to say instead of fantasizing about Josh.

"And so this means that you can get 70% of your father's land, you know that is if your step- mother choses not to fight for the land. But, of course there would be an 80% chance of you wining, so it would only benefit you because the less you waste the better." I nodded taking all of this information in.

"Thank you so much Julius, I honestly do appreciate you coming out in your own time and meeting me out of your business hours to discuss this with me, and also for meeting me here." I stood up as Julius himself got up.

I extended my hand for him to shake, which he gladly took and offered me a smile. "The pleasure is all mine, Marionette."

With that he left the coffee shop, leaving me to drink my coffee and to my thoughts. I was about to finish my coffee and exit, when suddenly the doors of the coffee shop opened and in walked, what seemed to look like the man who had been invading my dreams and daily thoughts.

"Yes I would have the classic hot chocolate, with a golden biscuit." Something seemed so familiar, his voice, maybe it was the outfit he was wearing, I really didn't know, it was just the way everything played out.

And then suddenly I remembered my dream. The way he was wearing exactly what he was wearing at that exact moment. The fact that he ordered exactly the same thing he ordered in my dream.

The last thing I remember happening in the dream was him sitting one booth away from me and when getting up to leave he accidentally spilled the coffee on this blue business shirt.

Which caused me to suddenly get up and help him. What snapped me back to reality as I was watching all of these events play out in front of me in person.

I giggled, almost aloud, watching him, as he struggled to clean his blue shirt. I made my way to him, just like im my dream.

"Here you go, it looks like you need just a tad bit more of napkins to clean that up," I said pointing at the coffee stain. In that instant I looked up only to find him already looking at me with what seemed like deja vu clouding his eyes.

His caramel colored eyes that I just seemed to be getting lost in. Finally clearing his throat I blinked realizing I was just starring.

"Have we met before?" He asked, his deep voice leaving goosebumps along my body. "Um no i don't think so, I've never seen you before," I smiled at him. "Yeah, I just moved here, my name is Josh, what's yours, if you don't mind me asking?"

My heart was beating out of control, that I prayed he wouldn't hear it. "It's Marionette, but you can call me Mari for short."

"Well Mari thank you for helping me with the coffe stain, I'm sorry but I have to go, I hope I'll be able to see you around often."

"Yeah like wise, bye Josh," I waved at him as he walked out of the coffee shop. That is how everything seem to start.

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