Chapter 14: Butterfly Dream

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"Everything here's beautiful," Jimin said, body sprawled out on the lush green grass next to Jungkook's.

"Yes," he breathed the word. His open eyes took in everything that could be seen. The blue sky was full of birds, the field they're in was full of different, beautiful flowers scattered everywhere, making the place look more like a paradise. Red ones, yellow, violet, blue... "Perfect."

Butterflies... So many butterflies.

Jimin sat up and began crawling towards Jungkook until he was hovering above him, blocking the view. Honestly, the taller guy didn't mind because Jimin-hyung is more beautiful than heaven and Earth combined.

The corner of the orange-haired male's lips curled into a toothy smile after he'd kissed the tip of Jungkook's nose that made the younger of the two's stomach churn. Like all those butterflies playing all over the field gathered and flew inside him.

Jimin did it again. Giving Jungkook's nose a peck, longer than the first one.

"Sweet," Jungkook murmured as he closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of his love's lips touching his nose.

"What is?"

"That little gesture you gave."

"You know what's sweeter, hmm?" Jimin asked, breath fanning Jungkook's cheeks. Nice.


"You." The next thing he knew, Jimin was kissing him, slowly, as if he was memorizing every detail of his lips.

"H-hyung... stop. P-please stop," Jungkook stuttered. "I'm scared."

"Scared? Why is my Kookie scared?"

"'Cause you're making me love you even more... and that's not supposed to happen... because, hyung, you only want me, but I need you... I need you more than anything else that sometimes, it makes me think that sometimes, I live for you... Like you're my air."

"Then let me be your air. Breathe me in. Because, Jungkook, I want you to be filled with me and me only."

And he disintegrated as the sunlight drifted into his dreams.

Opening his eyes, Jungkook came face-to-face with the man in his dreams. The man I love.


"Hi," Jungkook muttered, then smiled, eyes brighter than the sun.

If this is a dream, don't ever wake me up.

But... It wasn't a dream, and for once, he didn't mind waking up from such a beautiful dream. Not when Jimin was in his sight, looking as gorgeous as ever, early in the morning.

"Are you okay now, hyung?" He asked him as he tried to get up to bring medicine if he's still sick.

Jimin threw his arms over Jungkook, hindering him from leaving the bed, because yes, his fever's gone now.

And to prove it, he grinned playfully, but the other one could make out the soft and warm gaze through his bangs, cute crinkles forming at the base of his nose and at the corners of his eyes.

The younger male lifted up his hand and started tracing the outline of Jimin's face, gingerly, because he's like an expensive glass that one should handle with care. "I'm glad. I was so worried about you."

When he's near his lips, Jimin bit his finger lightly, making him flinch.

"H-hyung... hajima," he complained as he felt thousand butterflies in the pit of his stomach.

"Then stop what you're doing. You're making me want to bite you even more, kiss every inch of you," Jimin teased and giggled, grasping the younger's hand to squeeze it.

Too much feels, he thought. Too much feels.

Letting go of Jungkook's hand, Jimin slowly walked his fingers on his arm all the way up to his shoulder blade, tapping a slow beat that could lull him back to sleep.

Jungkook peeked at him through the slits of his bangs with flushed cheeks, watching Jimin dancing his fingers on his skin with full concentration.

He could wake up every morning to this, and never would it cross his mind that he'd ever get tired of it. Because, fuck just... never. Never.

Lately, he'd been dreaming of Jimin, those pure, sweet dreams one could ever have (not the one you have in your mind, because you're green-minded af.) But really, screw those dreams because...

"Jungkook, this is my simple way of expressing gratitude because you've taken good care of me. Thank you, babe."


And another one.

And another one.

Then, there it was again, those stirring shit in his stomach.

Screw those dreams because... Because, finally, his reality is better than his dreams.


Note: I'm sorry. I hope this is worth the wait. How I missed writing (typing.) ._.

Anyways, this is my treat to all of you bc *throws confetti everywhere* HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME~


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