Redneck Romeo

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Lena is a 17- almost 18- year old girl. She's nearing the end of her senior year when her parents decided that it was time to go back home. You see, when Lena was 14 her parents packed her and all of her belongings up and headed away to Virginia. Lena is a little hesitant to go because no matter how much she misses it, she loves her boyfriend, Luke, and doesn't want to leave him. With a heap if convincing she's off in her truck following her parents back home to Georgia. Someone who Lena forgot about along time ago was waiting, and damn had he grown up!!!

Chapter 1--Saying goodbye

"I'm gonna miss you, Babe. So much." Luke had told me for at least the thousandth time today.

"Baby, I'm gonna miss you to. I'm sorry that we have to split up because of this. It's not what I wanted to happen." I couldn't even look that poor boy in the eye.

"It ain't a big deal. If we're meant to be god will bring us back together." he kissed my head and shut the truck door. "Looks to me like you'd better run on. I'll miss you," he leaned down and kissed me one last time. ", I'll be seeing you Baby girl."

"I'll be seeing you, Luke." and with that I drove away.

I followed my parents jeep all the way back. I had a whole lot of time to think but I wasn't quite sure what I needed to be thinking about. No one was waiting for me back in Georgia. No one was waiting for me back in Virginia either. Luke would be moved on before the grass could grow back where I parked my truck at his house. I guess I essentially had nothing. Nothing to work toward. Nothing to look forward to, and certainly not anyone expecting my return. Or waiting for it for that matter.

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