Chapter 4

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Jaxon POV: (short chapter)

I never expected to see her again if I'm being honest. And just while we're being honest, I've loved that girl since the very first time I saw her. She was always sweet to look at and a firecracker. She got me into more trouble than I care to remember. But I never stopped loving her. Seeing her had me all rattled. Driving down this dusty road used to get my mind off of things, but right now it took everything in me not to turn around and drive right back to that house. If I did I'm not sure I could stop myself from showing her just exactly how much I had missed her, or how much I truly loved her. I couldn't have that getting out, at least not yet. For all I know she's got a boyfriend back in Virginia that she's holding on to. The thought of it infuriates me. I can't handle the thought of her with anyone else. Ever. She is mine and everyone here knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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