Chapter 3

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Pulling up outside my childhood home was a dream come true. It was the same as it had always been, but it might have had a fresh coat of paint; I couldn't tell for sure. I looked out over the fields and I felt completely at home again. I was realizing that I'd been missing things I didn't even know about missing.
I pulled up and parked in the front yard and prepared myself for facing my parents again. I guess I got a little too used to being on my own in solitude during the drive.

"You must be so tired, Honey." My mom was fawning all over my dad while he tried to pretend he didn't live for it.
"No, I'm alright actually. The drive wasn't too bad." My dad replies while lifting suit cases out of the back of the jeep.
"I'll never understand why you never let me drive on trips. We're supposed to take turns." Here comes the never ending argument.
"Because momma, he actually wants to get to the destination. In one piece."

"It was one time and regardless of what happened, we made it." My mom huffed.
"Sure baby. We were just a headlight shorter than we were when we left." My dad knew better than to get her started on it.

I left the two lovebirds to bicker in piece. Thinking about love birds sent my mind to Luke. I wasn't really all too sad to be gone away from him. I'll miss him, but he wasn't my life.
    During my walk to the front porch I zoned out and I wasn't paying any attention. Next thing I know I'm being held up by some extremely impressive strong, tan arms.
   "Woah there sugar, them legs broken?"
   I glanced up, beyond embarrassed, and stepped out of his hold.
"I'm sorry. I guess I just wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I didn't think there was anyone here for me to run into." I said quietly.
"Lena? You sure have grown up."
I looked a little closer at his face trying to place him. It wasn't until I saw those vibrant green eyes that I knew. Jaxon.
"Holy hell. Jaxon Blaine. What are you doing here? When did you get so... Manly?" I asked dumbfounded. Truth be told I didn't mean for that to come out of my mouth, but I never have had a filter.
         "My, my. Always had a way with words there Len." He smiled and I almost lost my footing again. Man, this boy was drop dead gorgeous.
       "Yeah. That's me. Slick as can be." I rolled my eyes in embarrassment. I could not believe that this was the boy I used to make mud pies with.
"I'll go and let y'all get settled. I'll definitely see you around darlin'."
He winked at me and then waved to my parents.
This was something I didn't expect. My hear was like a hummingbirds wings and my head couldn't even think right. Jaxon was always my kind of trouble, but maybe now it's a little different. I might not be able to keep my hormones in check.

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