Brantley's Mind (12)

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                                                                         Zion on the hammock 

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                                                                         Zion on the hammock 

Brantley's Pov

It was only 5 in the morning and I was still wide awake. I couldn't sleep for nothing tonight. You would think after being gone all day and have sex for 2 hours last night, a man would want his sleep, but no not Brantley here. I think what got me so scared was having Zion said that she loved me. I mean, I think I love her as well, but I'm not sure. I mean she's a great girl, she's nice, fun to be around, and has a killer body, but I don't think I'm in love with her yet. After laying in bed for another 20 minutes, I got out of the bed and pulled up my boxers that was laying on the floor and grabbed my smokes and walked out on the lanai so I could have a cigarette. 

When I walked outside I saw my mama sitting there drinking a cup of hot tea. I think I heard her and Colby getting in the house about 2 in the morning. I laid on the hammock and lit my smoke. Mama was looking right at me. I took a big drag of my cigarette. God, that feels so good. 

" Why are you up so early?" Mama asked me. I looked  at her. 

" Couldn't sleep. Why are you up so early?" I asked her. I know when I was drinking all the time, I would drink all day and pass out about 1 in the morning and then, I would be up again at 7 drinking again all over again. 

" Oh, I slept long enough?" Mama told me. I shook my head at her and took a hit from my cigarette again. Its nice out here. 

" What happened?" Mama asked me. I looked at her and then I looked out in the ocean. 

" I don't want to talk about it?" I told her. Mama took a sip of her hot tea. 

" Well, I want to tell you that I'm proud of you honey. You are doing what you love to do and I'm proud of you and I know Colby feels the same about you?" Mama told me. I looked at her. 

" Thanks mama. I couldn't do none of this with out you?" I told her. 

" Come talk to me. Why are you up this early and not in bed with Zion? She is a lucky girl. I mean look at her she is everything I want you to have as a girl friend?" Mama told me. I know she's all that. I don't know what to do? 

" Last night, right before Zion went to sleep, she said something?" I told mama. 

" Okay, what did she tell you?" Mama asked me. I took a hit from my cigarette again. 

" She told me that she loved me." I told her. Mama looked really happy. She had a big smile on her face. 

" Oh, Brantley, that's great. I mean Zion is a great girl to have. She's kind, smart, beautiful and she loves my son and--" Mama stopped talking?

" Why do you have that look on your face?" Mama asked me. 

" What look mama?" I asked her. 

" That look. The look like that you lost Sylo or something? Did you not tell her that you loved her back?" Mama asked me. I looked out on the ocean. I really don't want to have this talk with my mama. I should have woke Colby up for all of this shit, he could help me out a lot. Fucking jerk, from getting drunk last night. I need some one to talk too. 

" Brantley, do you feel the same about Zion?" Mama asked me. 

" I don't know mama? I just don't know?" I told her. Mama looked pissed off. 

" Why don't you know?" Mama asked me. I got up and walked over to her, on the table. 

" I don't know? I mean I see her and you are right about her, she's kind, smart, a great singer, nice, she can cook, and she does have a hot little body, but I mean the last women I said the 'L' world to was Amber and look how that turned out?" I said to my mama. Mama looked at me. 

" Honey, I know what Amber did to you, and believe me, I still blame her for everything she did too you, but do you think you could love Zion, like how you loved Amber?" Mama asked me. 

" Mama, Amber was my first everything. My first love, my frist kiss, my first in my bed. She owned my heart, I'm not ready to try that again. I mean what if Zion is the same as Amber. What if I couldn't please her like I didn't do for Amber. I mean Amber married me for money, fame not for love and I was a jack ass for not seeing that? I want to marry for love and love only. Not for the 'What if's'" I said to her. Mama gave me a smile. 

" You know when your dad died I knew that I had to be mom and dad to you and Colby. I'm sure I made a lot of mistakes on the way, but what I did was for you and your brother. I mean son, you are 30 years old. When I was 30 I was already raising 2 boys on my own, plus going to school, plus working full time. I just want you to be happy. I think Zion is your happy honey?" Mama told me. 

" Listen, what ever you decided to do, I'm here for you. Fame and money are great, but they don't keep you warm in bed. I think you should talk to Zion about all of this as well. Think about that? I'm going to lay down again. If I'm not up by noon wake me up." Mama said giving me a kiss and walking back inside the hut, that Zion calls it. I looked out and saw the sun rise coming up from. It looks so beautiful. I got up and walked back to the bedroom. I might as well, try to get some more sleep, before I do get up. 

When I got in the bedroom I saw ZIon all cuddled up in a small ball. I bet she is cold. We left the window open all night. I got in bed, and cuddled her in my arms. I know for the next few days I'm going to do a lot of thinking about myself. Do I love Zion? Do I want us together? A lot of questions are going throw my head and I need to get them all fix and hopefully soon too. 







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