The Locker Room: Chapter Eleven: Picture of Cover

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I would like to start off to say that the new cover is made by genuinestar21. On the side is an old cover made by me. Okay, so I'm sorry that I didn't update in a while, but I've been busy. Or I've been trying to make the situation fit the story. However, I did finish it and I'm updating. XD Thank you for taking your time to read my novel, fanning me, or adding your book to your library. Uh, you might hate me at the end of this chapter. I had to add another twist to the story. XD

Comment, vote, and enjoy!

Chapter Eleven

            I stopped breathing. I keep eye contact with Jenny. I looked deeply into her eyes and instantly knew she wasn't lying. Alice and Jenny used to be friends, I repeated inside my head over and over. I slowly took a deep breath. I didn't know what to say, so I said the first thing that came to my mind.

            "Was? (V-as)" I exclaimed. Jenny gave me her confused look, and I realized I just asked her what in German. I only took two years of German, and I really didn't learn anything, but it was the easiest foreign language class. I guess I did learn some things since I just spoke it.

            "Was? What the hell is that supposed to mean?" asked Jenny.

            "What in German," I said. Jenny smiled a little.

            "And you said that you didn't learn anything in that class," said Jenny with a huge grin. I shook my head slowly. "Well, it was before we were friends."

            "Impossible!" I screamed. I think I just found my voice back. I was mad at Jenny a little bit for not her telling her best friend this information. Or was it my fault?

            "Audrey chill. Take a deep breath," said Jenny.

            I didn't listen. Jenny gave me a look, but then realized that I wasn't going to listen to her. So she took a deep breath and began with her life story. The beginning anyways.

            "You don't understand, Audrey," said Jenny. "We became friends at the end of kindergarten, when I came to school with my eyes red. I had been crying, because Alice told me she wasn't actually my friend. You were the only one who didn't ask me about it. You just came up to me and talked to me."

            It hit me like a bomb. Jenny was right. Jenny and I weren't friends right away, but that really doesn't matter as long as I was friends with her. The bad part was that I realized something huge. I must have stored this information way back in my head to never think of this again. It was true when Alice told Jenny that they weren't really friends. Hopefully, Jenny didn't know what I did to Alice after we became friends, back in sixth grade.

            "Jenny, please tell you don't know what I did to Alice in sixth grade," I said. Jenny looked down at the floor, ashamed. I knew that she heard about that. She had to either through rumors or even Alice herself.

            "Alice told me everything about a week ago, Audrey. At first I didn't believe it, but now I do. I wanted to tell you earlier, but it just didn't seem like the right time and everything. I can't believe you did that Audrey, without making sure through me. I forgive you and everything, but seriously that's between me and Alice. It's nice enough to know that you care though," said Jenny.

            Now it was my turn to look down at the floor. I stabbed Jenny in the back. Somehow Tyler found out and he hinted it at me. Was it for good or bad? All I wanted to do was crawl up in a little ball and sleep, but I had to know how Tyler found out. And there was only one way to find out.

            "How does Tyler know all of this stuff?" I asked. Jenny sighed.

            "Well,Tyler kind of knew about us, through Kane. When I went to high school Kane and Tyler showed me around. Tyler and I hit it off, and I kind of told him my life story a little bit," said Jenny and then she blushed. Jenny likes Tyler.

            "So are you guys going out yet?" I asked. Jenny looked at me and smiled.

            "Not yet, but Kane says he totally wants to ask me to homecoming," said Jenny. I smiled.

            "I can't wait to hear about it," I smiled back.

            Jenny opened the door and we started to walk out. I got about half way back to our table when my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID and noticed it was my mom. She barely ever calls me, and when she does it's for something serious.

            "Hello," I said, while still walking to the table.

            "Audrey," said my mom, but she let out a sob. Why was my mom crying?

            "Mom have you been crying?" I asked. By then I reached the table. I didn't sit down. Jenny looked at me confused. She knew my mom never called me, and she just heard what I said. I could feel Kane's eyes on me too.

           "It-it's-you-your grand-grandpa," she managed to get out. I let out a gasp. I haven't seen my grandparents in forever. However, the only ones alive were on my mom's side and they lived on the whole other side of the country. We used to visit them over Christmas, but my mom decided that it was too much money.

            "Mom is he alright?" I asked. I felt a hand on my arm to pull me down to sit. I sat down. I think it was Kane, but right then I wasn't paying any attention at all.

            "No, honey, he-he isn't," said my mom with another bigger sob. I swallowed. This was way too serious. I needed to get out of here.

            "Are you home?" I asked. My mom just kept crying over the phone. I took that as a yes. "I'm on my way home, mom." I quickly hung up on here and got up. I just got to MacDonald's, and now I had to leave.

            "I have to go, I'll see you guys around, maybe," I said, and with that I turned on my heel and quickly walked away. I could hear Kane's voice call my name, but I didn't turn back around. I wanted to get home and find out what was wrong. I needed to be there for my family. Family comes before friends.

♥                                                                     ♥                                                                 ♥

            When I finally got home, I found my mom crying on the sofa. Her eyes were already bright red, and so was her face. I looked around and noticed my dad wasn't home yet. He should have been here before me, but I let it slide. I quickly walked over to my mom and sat down on the sofa next to her. I wrapped my arms around her and she cried into my shoulder.

            I realized one thing, nobody cries this hard, unless it's death in the family. My grandpa died, and I haven't seen him in five years. I also started to cry, but not as hard as my mom. I never really had a close relationship with my grandparents because of the distance, but one thing was I knew I would miss was his favorite quote. Every time I saw him he used to tell me the same quote over and over.

            "You cannot fly like an eagle with the wings of a wren," he used to say to me.

            "But I don't want to fly like an eagle, grandpa. I want to fly like a falcon," I used to say when I was younger. He used to chuckle. When I got older I used to nod and move on. I probably hurt his feelings a little, but I didn't realize until now.

            Five minutes past, and I didn't hear the door open. I was so caught up into crying and remembering what I could remember of my grandpa. I did however hear my dad's voice.

            "Audrey, I want to speak to your mother alone," he said. I nodded and slowly unwrapped my arms from my mom. I got up and wiped the tears from my face. I walked to my room, stopping to pick up my backpack where I set it down on the ground, feeling a headache coming. 

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