The Locker Room: Chapter Thirteen: Picture of Cover

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I wasn't going to post this until like Sunday/Monday/Tuesday, but I decided to post it right now. I quickly finished chapter 13 and now I'm posting it. The picture on the side is by: VampGirl330.

The song on the side is Secrets by One Republic.The reason is very simple, and you can probably figure out why I chose that song.

Comment, vote, and enjoy!

Chapter Thirteen

            Wednesday came and I got ready for school. I felt so much better after the zoo. I was surprised when Jenny dropped off Tyler and Kane before me, but I soon realized that was her plan all along.

            "Tell me what's wrong," said Jenny. I looked at her and sighed.

            "Well, you know yesterday my mom called me," I started. Jenny nodded her head, and I took that as a sign to continue. "She told me over the phone that my grandpa, her dad, died. I could tell she was in a really bad state, so I rushed home. I found her crying on the sofa, she was a mess." I swallowed, hoping that would keep my tears from running down my face. One escaped, and soon after that I was crying. I wasn't crying as hard as I was yesterday, so that was a good sign.

            "I'm so sorry," Jenny whispered. I nodded my head. I couldn't say anything.

            "Thursday and Friday I'm going to be in Florida," I managed to choke out. I couldn't see Jenny through my tears, but I felt her give me a tight hug.

            "You need to tell the rest. I told them that I would figure what is wrong with you and cheer you up. They were really worried about you after I told them you ran away from McDonald's," said Jenny. I laughed.

            "Thanks, Jenny, for everything," I said. Jenny smiled.

            "Like I said you should be thanking Kane," said Jenny. I did remember that it was Kane's idea for the zoo, but I was still confused. "He was so worried, and he kept saying that I had to cheer you up. Finally, I said that maybe we should cheer you up. Then he suggested the zoo. I invited Tyler along, so that Kane wouldn't be the only guy." I smiled, a little bit. I had such great friends.

            "Tell Kane I say thanks then," I said. I got out of the car, and walked up to my door. I got inside the empty house, and decided that I really needed a good night's sleep.

            I broke out of my memory when the warning bell rang at my school. I didn't want to get out of bed, so I was running a little bit later than usual. It didn't help that Jenny called to make sure I got up. Also, Dana, Val, and Miley kept calling me to ask if I was going to school today.

            I was walking quickly to my locker. I had to get some things out of my locker for first period, because I didn't have time to stop at my locker after homeroom. I didn't want to be late. When you were late to class just once, you had a detention after school. The teachers didn't even give you a warning.

            Once I reached my lockers I soon realized that I was going to be late for sure. Miley, Val, and Dana were leaning up against the lockers. No way the were going to let me leave without telling them why I didn't show up to school yesterday or what Jenny told them. I took a deep breath and walked toward them.

            Before I could reach my locker they each came up to me and gave me a hug. I hugged them back. Then I quickly did my locker combo.

            "Audrey, what happened? Are you okay?" asked Val. I smiled at her, to show that I'm completely fine. She didn't buy it though.

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