The Locker Room: Chapter Fourteen: Picture of Cover

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You are soo lucky that I finished this chapter. At first I wasn't going to post it until later this week, but I somehow made some time to finish it and post it. After ever I should actually be doing my homework. XD Anyways, I also want to take this time to thank all my fans and readers and voters. I really appericate it, even if I don't show it that much. Sorry!

**Cover on side by: amylivingmylife**

Comment, vote, and enjoy!

Chapter Fourteen

            Thursday finally came. I was not looking forward to it; however, I was happy to see my grandma. Just not in the way I am going to seeing her. I was on the plane looking out the window, when I actually saw a rainbow in the cloud. It was so weird to see a rainbow in the clouds, and I turned to face my mom to tell her what I found. She was sleeping though. I sighed and laid back in my chair trying to sleep.

            Last night Jenny came over and helped me pack. Thank god, since I would have totally forgotten something. Besides I wasn't in the mood to pack, it would make me feel all sad again remembering why I was packing. Jenny and I talked the whole time. I told Jenny that I would be back in the late afternoon on Saturday. Jenny told me that they could get the recorder without me, but I told her no. She understood.

            After ten minutes of trying to sleep I gave up. I went to look back out the window, but nothing looked interesting. I sighed loudly and decided that I should do something, but nothing came to mind. I was a freaking plane, there was nothing to do.

            I finally opened my backpack and looked in there. I knew I had homework to do, but I didn't want to do homework. That was for on the way back. I finally took out my all time favorite book, Top 8 by Katie Finn.

            I have read this book like twenty times, and it is still my favorite book. The book itself even looks worn out with the binding coming undone, and a few pages ripped here and there. I wouldn't be surprised if the book started to smell like an old classic book pretty soon.

            I guess it became my favorite, because Katie Finn somehow included mystery and romance together with a very likable character. The main character Madison MacDonald (I know same last name) made a little mistake and it became a big one and throughout the book she was trying to make up for it.

            I got lost in my own little world reading the book. I was only three pages away from finishing the book when my woke up from her little nap, the same time the polite was telling us that we were landing in promptly ten minutes.

            "Sweetie, you still up?" asked my mom. I nodded my head, not taking my eyes away from the book. "I thought teenagers need more sleep than me."

            I pulled my eyes away from the book and stared at my mom. Her eyes weren't red as they once were, but at the corners they were still pink. She had bags under her eyes, and I was pretty sure that no amount of makeup could cover it. She didn't have a smile on her face or a frown, but you could tell that she was going through a tough time.

            "Mom, your dad just died of course you will need more sleep than me," I simply said, like I say it everyday.

            "I know," she said. Then she stretched. "What movie is on?" By that time I already went back to my book. I really wanted to finish it before we landed.

            "Doesn't matter. Remember we are landing in five minutes," I said. I heard my mom softly laugh. Then she sighed. I could tell she wanted me to keep talking to her, but I was reading. Right when I read the last sentence. I closed my book and put in my backpack.

            "Was it a good book?" asked my mom. I noticed she was watching me for the last few minutes.

            "Mom, the best," I said. I felt the plane land, and I noticed my dad woke up with a start. My mom laughed at him, and I smiled. I always hated when the plan first landed, because you always felt it.

            When we finally got off the plane and got our bags my mom walked out the airport. The warm air welcomed me and the sun kissed my face. I sighed. I wish back home had this weather all the time like Florida.

            My mom found a taxi for us, and we piled in. I watched my mom carefully; she seemed sad, but excited at the same time. I remembered that she hasn't see her mom in a really long time, so seeing her is probably what is making her so happy.

            The taxi drove off, and I couldn't help but wonder how my grandma was holding up. She loved my grandpa dearly and you can tell that just by the way she looked at him. She was probably worst than my mom.

            I watched the cars and the scenery drove by, still trying to put together how my grandma would look like.

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            When the taxi pulled up into my grandma's driveway I realized that the house I used to visit was very different. The last time I visited there was this giant tree, flowers blooming in the front, and the house was yellow. Now there was no tree in the font, instead of flowers there were bushes, and the house was a light blue. I kind of felt a little hurt, but I pushed it aside. They must have changed the house for a reason.

            My dad quickly pulled his wallet out of his pocket and handed the taxi driver some money. The taxi driver took it and thanked him. My dad simply nodded and then got out of the car.

            I opened the car door, since I didn't want to be the only one left in the cab. I was about to grab my stuff when I saw my grandma run out of the house shouting my mom's name. I saw my mom turn around and run up to her mom. She gave her a big hug. I stepped out of the car, and I saw my mom whispering something into my grandma's ear. Probably something about the death of my grandpa.

            "Audrey!" I heard my name being shouted.

            I turned around. My grandma was two feet away walking towards me with her arms out. I saw her eyes were watering. However I couldn't tell if they were happy tears or sad tears. She was wearing cream colored pants and a pink shirt. Her hair was grey and cut short. She had a small smile on her face, and I noticed that she had laugh lines by her eyes. All in all she was still the same grandma I used to know. I walked up to her and gave her a big hug. She gave me a kiss on the top of my head.

            "Hi, grandma," I said.

            "It's been long, too long," she simply said. I nodded my head, as a stepped back. I wanted to ask her so many questions. Like if she was okay, why she changed the house, and if my grandpa died happy. I knew when I die, I wanted to die happy. I didn't want to die when I was angry or sad.

            Finally, my grandma gave my dad a hug. My dad gave her a kiss on the cheek. He also whispered something inside my grandma's ear, but it was quick and short unlike my mom.

            "Now, let's go inside and gave some cookies," my grandma side.

            "Homemade cookies?" I asked. My grandma nodded. I wanted to let out a squeal, but I held it in. When I was little my grandma used to make the best homemade cookies. I used to eat a lot of them, and I never got sick or full. I was excited now to go inside the house. We grabbed our stuff and I walked up the one step into the house.

            I knew from then that good things can come from bad things.

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