Twenty Two

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My dreams last night were haunted by a lovely boy with sweet emerald eyes. I woke up a little too good in a mood for someone who had a hangover. Although the bed was empty, I knew his soul lingered in the house and my heart beated 100 miles per second because I knew we were like collided stars; his spirit was somehow connected to mine and I loved it.

I absolutely craved the way my being longed for his own.

Stepping out of the bed, I run my fingers through my hair and walk outside of the room. The temperature was considerably bearable and I was certainly surprised.

I smelled fresh coffee and my taste buds watered. Besides the light headache I had, it was easy to ignore it; the only thing I couldn't ignore was the way my stomach flipped at the sight of a curly head boy with large glasses placed onto his face, a cup of coffee in his hand and a phone in the other. His hair was a mess and his joggers hung loose on his hips as his shirt barely did it its job at covering the layer of his tattoos littering his beautiful skinned torso and chest.

"Good morning," I croak quietly. Harry looks up and grins, his eyes lighting up the slightest. If my heart couldn't have stopped anymore this morning then you're wrong. He had it on a goddamn frenzy.

"Hey beautiful, did you sleep alright?" I nod and inhale deeply; walking towards him with a soft smile, taking the cup of coffee he was drinking and gulping a sip down. I tried my best to not make a face at the bitter taste of his coffee but fail immensely. Harry looks down at me with his lips between his teeth, suppression a smile. I roll my eyes.

"Shut up," I groan and give back his cup. Harry bends down and kisses my cheek.

"Didn't say a word," he pulls away smirking. I roll my eyes and allow him to hold me in his embrace tightly. His body was warm and just having it against my own sent electric bolts through my skin and in the blood stream to my veins.

Remembering just the better speck of last night made the bolts intensify greatly and god was my body on the inside going completely insane.

"I'm so glad all of this complication was sorted out..even in the oddest way." His whisper was quiet and my soft smile grew by the second. I looked up at him and saw the way his eyes stared down at me. I bite my lip as he gently cups my cheek and nudges his nose against my own.

"I am too, Harry." I hear him set his cup on the counter, eyes concentrated on my lips.

"You're it for me, you know that Edwards?" He pressed his body against mine, plush. My cheeks flush a deep red and I just let out a breath.

"You're overly exaggerating." He smirks and shakes his head, threading his fingers into my rather short hair. His lips brush my own and I shudder at the contact.

My heart pounds incredibly, my bones metaphorically shake and my soul is practically penetrated by the intensity of his.

He intertwines his free hand in mine, gently decreasing the space of our fingers.

"I don't know if you can see it, but I'm immensely in love with you, I've been in love with you since the day I knew I'd lose you to a lowlife, he didn't deserve you, hell I never will, but you deserve to be loved the right way,"

Harry's lips molded against my own before I had a chance to tell him that I was the one who didn't deserve him, but this kid knew how to shut a girl up without hesitation.

My hand goes to his jaw, cupping it delicately, the stubble not a bother to my skin. His breath smelt of bitter coffee and mint, and for the love of christ it made me grin so damn widely because he was the greatest keeper. He was truthfully someone that made me effortlessly happy. Harry being Harry made me happy.

Him being himself made me love him even more and I knew I was a little too deep into this. He was honestly my soul mate in some way. In some other galaxy they all believed we were meant to be.

My lips part his the slightest, his hand going down to my thigh and bending me down slowly; the beating of my heart overwhelming.

"You..." I manage as I pull away slightly just to confess such words. Harry stops his movements and takes a steady breath, kissing the side of my mouth.

"You'll always be my first love, as cheesy as this gets, Styles," His eyes connect with mine, tinted cheeks visible, a sheepish grin creeping on his plump lips.

"You are my first love, Vi."


so babies i hope u liked this one!!! its a bit short bc i got a new phone n im trying to get used to the keyboard since i dont use my computer (rlly stupid ik) but thank u so much for being here xx

twitter: paleharold_
tumblr: haroldmex
ig: insanity.sarah

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