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yoongi went running back to the same club he had entered three days ago. he had gotten a call from seungcheol saying the girl whom he had called the last time was struck drunk and unconscious from drinking too much.

he sighed, asking himself how did she even turn out that way when he was supposed to be the one conflicted and drowning his dilemma.

"she came here asking for a two bloody bottles! what did you do to make her this drunk?"

the younger boy asked with his voice raised, knowing he was the reason for her current state. seungcheol had remembered the subtle curse of yoongi's name out of ara's mouth.

"how the hell would i know?!" yoongi could only huff out in frustration as his eyes turned to the now asleep girl, gaze softening at her in sight. the club was radiating with sweat and a thick atmosphere while people jumped in sync at the hyped beat.

however, ara was the only person in yoongi's vision making himself sure that she was stable on his back (and safe too). seungcheol had even helped them get a cab back home with yoongi was fortunately thankful for.

upon reaching his door, the brunette had now stirred as her eyes peeled open, taking in her surroundings and a certain mint haired boy.

her eyes widened but the major headache that erupted in an instant prevented her from saying further as yoongi led her to the bed. bringing her some aspirin and warm water to get over the headache, he sat down next to her while he observed her stiff movements.

she was red all over, embarrassed at her very own actions and regretful to how things had turned out. despite everything, it was silent. the only sound that took up the awkward atmosphere was the sound of the ticking clock every second.

ara's eyes would roam from the old cassette tapes laying by his bedroom window to the beaten up record player next to the door, travelling to all sorts of items except for the boy in front of her.

yoongi, on the other hand, took it awkwardly while his grip had tightened on the sheets. he was obviously nervous to the core. after all, ara was the second girl to ever step foot in his house (hyojin being his first).


his eyes took in her apologetic ones while his nose scrunched up in confusion while piping up, "sorry i didn't get what you saidㅡ"

"stop confusing me. stop making me make the wrong decisions. stop... making me fall for you."

at this he was speechless, unable to process the confession he had just heard. his heart was jumping in joy but his mind was nagging at him to push his feelings away. "ara iㅡ"

"please stop this. i rㅡ really hate doing this to jimin. i hate how you're bㅡ betraying hyojin like this and iㅡ i really hate myself."

he was absolutely lost. he didn't know what to do; what to say. torn with his decisions, he could only keep his mouth shut while his heart broke to the sound of ara's quick sobs and her broken state.

it was her first time dealing with such feelings and she was terrifyingly confused. he was too.

"i like you but i don't know what to do."

it took yoongi a few seconds to make a decision he could no longer turn back as he cupped her cheeks and crashed his lips on hers. unknowingly, tears had left his eyes while they rolled down and mixed with her salty ones as well.

ara could recall the taste the vanilla in his kiss and she felt herself leaning backwards. before she even knew it, her back was against the sheets. yoongi missed the taste her everyday coffee on her lips while their lips moved together and quicker.

it was their longest kiss. they pulled away for air soon enough with their foreheads still together. he rested his nose on hers while she mustered a chuckle he hadn't seen in a while.

yoongi laughed along and the both of them spent the rest of the early morning admiring the other's features. however, a tear slipped out of ara as she asked her question with much caution.

"yoongi... what are we now?"

it was a much unexpected question, and also a very complicated question. tears clouded his vision when reality had sunk in.

he couldn't break up with hyojin. he owed her.

tucking a strand of stray hair behind ara's ear, yoongi could only chuckle and force a smile.

"we? we're in love."



did ara make a good choice? hehe. you gonna kill me m8s. diz iz why this book is called 2nd ehhhh but im still #arin trash soz ha

ps. little mix's collab with jason derulo "secret love story" omg how did i not find out a out it earlier

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