Chapter 43 - After the Storm

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Guy leaned his hand on the wall of the corridor and he stopped for a few seconds to regain his strength, but he didn't think even for a moment to go back.
When he woke up the pain had seemed much more bearable, but now the wounds were beginning to ache again and he felt weak, but he didn't want to go back to bed.
He wanted to see Marian.
He wanted to be near her, to hold her and to hear her breathing, to get lost in her eyes and forget anything else. The need to have her close was almost a physical necessity, a kind of hunger that hurt his heart.
Maybe it was foolish of him not to ask anyone for help to get up and get dressed and more ever foolish to slip out of his room like a thief. Djaq probably would have scolded him for getting out of bed too early and Allan would be worried when he couldn't find him, but Guy wanted to see Marian and to be alone with her for a while.
He finally reached the girl's room and he pushed the door, hoping it wasn't locked from the inside, but the wooden door swung open obediently and Guy slipped into the room quietly, closing the door behind him.
Marian was still asleep.
Guy went near the bed quietly and he watched her for a while. The girl's hair, now so short, curled untidily around her face and it made her look younger and more vulnerable than usual, but Guy couldn't forget the courage with which she had fought alongside him and how she had struggled to defend him.
Marian had killed a man to save him.
Guy was sincerely sorry for the pain that that action had brought the girl, he knew very well that taking a life would change her forever, but he was also deeply grateful to her and he still struggled to believe that Marian cared so much for him.
She loves me ...
He bent over her, studying every line of her sleeping face and he wondered if he could wake her with a kiss.
He sat on the bed and leaned over her, bringing his face close to the girl, but he couldn't decide to touch Marian's lips with his.
Can I really do this?
In the past, when he tried to kiss her, Marian had hesitated or she had found an excuse to escape from an unwelcome closeness and now Guy was afraid that it could happen again.
He felt he was being a fool because Marian had made it clear how she felt for him, but he couldn't help but feeling anxious.
A voice inside him continued to suggest that he didn't deserve Marian's affection, that he must have it all wrong and that if only he touched her, she would turn away in disgust, and yet she was so beautiful, so beloved, that he couldn't stay far from her.
He touched her lips with a light and hesitant kiss, so full of emotion that his eyes filled with tears.
Marian opened her eyes and watched him, motionless, for a long moment then her eyes lit up with joy, and she hugged him, holding him tight.
"Guy! You are alive! You're really alive!" She sobbed, suddenly bursting into tears. "Djaq told me so, but I was not allowed to see you, and I thought that hers was just a lie to keep me quiet! I was so afraid, Guy!"
The girl hold was rather painful for his injuries, but Guy didn't think in any way to get away from her, every bit of that pain became precious because it was caused by the affection that Marian felt for him.
He caressed her face with his hand to calm her down and dry her tears.
"Now it's all right. I'm here." He whispered softly, and she leaned against him, relaxing. She kept hugging Guy, her face resting on his chest to hear the beating of his heart and she closed her eyes with a happy sigh.
That moment was so quiet... It reminded her of the last time of serenity that they had before Barret came to subvert their lives, that sunny afternoon they spent in the barn with Guy who slept leaning against her.
Then, it was the black knight who needed her, it was him the fragile and broken one, but now Guy's embrace was protective and safe and in his arms Marian finally felt serene.
That was the place for her, the only one where she wanted to be and now she was sure of it.

Robin looked back at the castle walls and Little John and Much imitated him.
Djaq and Will were a few steps behind and they spoke to each other quietly. Every so often she laughed and looked at the young man with eyes full of joy.
"You'll accept it to end like this?" John asked, disgruntled. "Will you let Gisborne to take her away from you?"
Much glanced at him angrily, fearing that his words could hurt his master, but Robin only shook his head with a bitter smile.
"I wish I could blame Gisborne, but it would be dishonest of me. Marian is not the same anymore and so am I. Time has changed us and, even though it may hurt, to refuse to accept it would be useless. Even without Guy, most likely our paths would have parted, sooner or later."
"This I do not like. It's not right."
"We can't like it, but this is how it is: things change."
Much put a hand on his shoulder.
"Not everything changes. You can always count on our friendship."
Robin smiled.
"I know. And I am grateful for that. Now let's go back to the camp, it has been a busy day."
"It is worthwhile to conclude it with a nice dinner." Much said, opening a bag to show them a big roasted goose. "How about this? Courtesy from the kitchens of the sheriff."
The other outlaws laughed, then they took the road that lead to the forest.

Allan went back in the kitchen with an untouched tray of food, he laid it on a table and he added another plate and a second glass of wine.
He had gone to bring dinner to Guy, but Gisborne seemed to have disappeared. Allan hadn't the slightest doubt of where he could find it, so he decided that he might as well bring something to eat to Marian too.
He finished filling the tray, he put in his mouth a little cake covered with honey and he walked to the girl's room.
He knocked vigorously before opening the door and smiled to himself to see that he was right: Gisborne was sitting on Marian's bed and the girl was curled up next to him with her head resting on his shoulder.
"I brought you some food." Allan announced cheerfully. "Hey, Marian, don't squeeze him too much or you're going to break even his few ribs that are not broken."
"Allan!" Guy snapped, glaring at him, while Marian broke away from him, blushing guiltily.
"I've been hurting you? But why didn't you tell me?"
"Marian, I think you could rip his heart and Giz would continue to smile." Allan explained, peacefully, ignoring Guy's menacing glare.
The girl stared at the floor, trying not to think that the words of Allan were all too true. She was certain that she had broken his heart more than a few times, but Guy had never stopped loving her.
Without looking at him, she searched his hand and held it tightly.
"Um, Marian..." Intervened Allan again. "Maybe it's better if you take his other hand..."
Marian gasped realizing that Guy's hand was bandaged, she abruptly let it go and she blushed even more.
Guy laughed and hugged her tightly, ignoring his bruises and wounds.
"Stay by my side and I won't even notice pain." He told her in a low voice, but Allan heard him and looked at him with an expression somewhere between amusement and disgust.
"Giz, I understand you, really, but you are becoming a bit too mawkish for my taste."
"And you are speaking like the sheriff." Guy retorted with a grin, then he frowned and he looked at the other two, suddenly worried. "Allan? Marian? Where's the sheriff? He is still alive, right?"
Allan and Marian looked at each other in horror, remembering only then that no one of them had thought of freeing Vaisey from the dungeons.

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