Chapter 5

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(Part 5)

August P.O.V

I woke up to an empty side of the bed i got up went downstairs and sat the couch I was just Finna grab the remote but Tori say in my lap facing towards me and then she kissed me, toungue kissed me. So I went ahead and grabbed her ass. Making her moan then she was Finna take her shirt off but said

Tori- August! August! Wake up nigga!

Out of dream :

August- What Tori damn? I was having the perfect dream.
Tori- Yea I bet. You put a hicky on my left boob and you was feeling all on my ass!*laughing*
August- You liked it though I heard you moaning.
Tori- Wheeetttt? What you talking about?
August- Mhm don't lie.
Tori- *rolls her eyes* I really can't belive you gave me a hicky!*laying down*
August- Shut up! it's just an hickey.
Tori- That my girlfriend can possibly see.
August- What you mean possibly? She should see ya body everyday.
Tori- She ain't gone see it either way around.
August- And why is that?
Tori- Because she ain't getting no pussy
Tori-*getting more comfortable*
August- So You got to go back to work after tomorrow?
Tori-*sighs* Yea.
August- Me too...
Tori- And to Alexis ugh I really don't feel like hearing her mouth.
August- You got a two days off enjoy it ma.
Tori- I am.
Two Days Later

Right na I'm walking in my house and planning on going to bed because I got to get up this morning it's only 8 though I walked in to find Alexis playing her game so I just unpacked got in the shower and stared to put my undercloths on with my towel still wrapped around me.

Alexis-*pauses the game* So you hiding something from me?
Tori- And why would I be doing that?
Alexis- Because you never gets dress with a towel on.
Tori-*rolls her eyes and gets in bed*
Alexis- *starts to play her game*


I put on an Dress and heels then let my hair down and wavey grabbed my glasses and left. Drove to the hospital and parked.

10 P.M

Today was an usual day besides the fact I had to put 8 stitches in a little girl lip for falling and that's it. But Dr.June and some nurse came scrolling in with a Africa American teenage boy with 4 gunshots to the stomach I rand back there with and started to do my job

Boy-*coughing up blood* Am I going to die?
Tori- All I need you to do it keep that heart pumping.
Boy- Iiii can do that.
Tori- Can I get the gas Mation?!?!
They bring it and i put it on his face and he fall asleep instally then we started doing surgery.


I walked back to the waiting room taking a deep breath. In that room was hell but I've been through worst. I seen a whole bunch of people crying when I walked back to the waiting room.

Tori- Jackson family.
Everybody- That's us.
Tori- Well the mother of Jerone Jackson.
Haily- That's me.
Tori- Well I got some news for you. Jerone is strong. He made it out of 4 gunshots.
Haily- Oh my gawd! Really!
Tori- Yes ma'am he kept that heart beating.
Haily- W (GCO)
Tori- Room 206 but only 3 people in there it's not that big of a room.
Haily- Oh my thank you so much.


I walked in the house tired as a bitch I heard giggling so I tip toed up the stairs and seen the door WA cracked so I peed through that

Girl-*sitting at the edge of the bed*
Alexis-*holding her chin up to her* You got some pretty ass eyes bae.
Girl-*giggling* Thanks sec.
Alexis-*kisses her*
Tor-*bust in the door*
Alexis- *stops*Oh shit Tori I didn't know you was home!
Tori- Get the fuck out my house bitch and take ya hoe with you to.
Alexis- Tori it ain't even what it look like.
Tori- Shut up wit yo lame ass excuse.
Alexis- I ain't going no where
Tori- Oh really?


I was swinging the bat at her and she was going downstairs then she made it outside and I opened up the bedroom widow dropping all her cloths out of it along with her phone witch cracked and then her game that I bought and then the ring.

Tori- Fuck you!
Alexis- Tori! Where the fuck I'm going to go?.
Tori- Ta hell.*closes the window*

Sorry for errors❤

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