Chapter 29

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(Part 29)
(Pictures of Brianna, Baby at the top)
Tori P.O.V

I made baby some soup and I gave it to her in bed then like 20 minutes later she through it up. I told her to come in my room and she did.

Tori- Ight listen baby...I'm a have you try something okay?
Brianna- Okay what Is it?
Tori- A pregnancy test.
Brianna-*body tenses up*
Tori- I know your nervous and I am to but we can know what's wrong with you okay?
Brianna- o-okay.
Tori-*taks it out the box and hands her the stick*
Brianna-*goes in her bathroom closing the door*
4 minutes later

Brianna-*walks our holding the stick* I peed on it.
Tori- Okay if it's one line you not pregnant and if its two lines you are pregnant.
Brianna- How long do we have to wait?
Tori- 5 minutes.
Brianna- Toriii...what if I am pregnant.
Tori- I have no idea...this is all my fault for real.
Brianna- No its not don't say that.
Tori- I was post to protect you and I failed...just like how mom failed me. (she is mumbled the last part)
Brianna- It's not yo(GCO)
Tori- *Picks it up looking at the lines on the stick*
Brianna- You wouldn't hate me if I'm pregnant right?
Tori- Of course not baby it wasn't like you wanted to do it ....yea.
Brianna- So am I?
Tori- *licks her lips* yea.
Brianna- Iiiim gone go in my room. Okay?
Tori- Okay.
Brianna-*gets up and leaves*


August P.O.V

I was listing to Trey talk about this party he gonna through next week wanting me to come.

Trey- Yall can slide to if yall want
Chad- Hell yes.
Twan-*starring out in space*
August- Twan I told you Tori ain't gone say nothing till Friday.
Twan-*stands up grabbing his keys* I'll talk to yall later.

Twan P.O.V

Driving home thinking about Tam and her past relationships what they did to her and put her through. I pulled up at her house and got out nicking on the door. She answered and quickly hugged me

Tam- I missed you.
Twan- *kisses her head* I missed you too.
Tam- Come in.
Twan-*walks in the house closing the door*
Tam- You want something to drink?
Twan- Nah...Come here let me talk to you.
Tam-*sits down on the couch*
Twan-*pulls his pants up and squats down to her* Ight I need to tell you something and you don't got to tell it back to me.
Tam- alright.
Twan- I love you with all my heart i swea i do...But Today I was at the studio and it was females all over me and Chad one was in Chad lap and the other two girls was with me and when everybody left the studio to go somewhere we...(gets chocked up) She gave me head.
Tam- Both of them?
Twan- No the other one went with August and Chad
Tam-*slaps him* Get out Twan.
Twan- No.
Tam-*crying* Twan get out!
Twan- No... I love you.
Tam- Yyyou don't love me.
Twan- I do. That's why I told you.
Tam- *whips her tears away* I appreciate your honesty but you have to leave.
Twan- Tam I understand your past relationsh(GCO)
Tam- Get the fuck....out of my house.
Twan-*sighs then gets up walking out the house*
Tam-*walking to the door locking it*


August P.O.V

It was 10 o clock and I was walking into Tori house having to take a piss. I locked the door walking into her room seeing her watching TV and then I went into the bathroom to piss I lifted the seat up and let loose throwing my head back. When I was finished I opened my eyes and shaking the rest of it out then put it away. Flushing the toilet I turned on the water noticing the pregnancy box on the sink I looked in the garbage and see the pregnancy stick in the garbage and it read two lines I dryed my hands and picked up the box reading it. Going back in the room

August- Are you pregnant?
Tori- *cuts her eyes to august* Nope.
August- Then why do I see a p (GCO)
Tori- Baby Is.
August- That's why she is sick?
Tori-*sighs* Yea.

Chad P.O.V

Liss- Okay why are you telling me this?
Chad- Because you my girl and you need to know.
Liss- Alright glad we ain't go that far...But I really though you were different from them other dick heads but I guess not. *stands up* it was nice knowing you... Chad.*leaves*
Chad- What the fuck just happen?


Tori P.O.V

Friday Afternoon☁

Me Liss and Tam was helping our friend Gena with her Salon. We sometime would be doing hair then nails. She need extra help. Why not hire I asked because she ain't got time for interviews. Lazy. I know how to do nails and hair it's not that hard either. Right now I'm putting a full set on a 12 year old girl and she won't stop talking. Speaking of not talking Tam and Liss has been quiet for a while.

Mindi- I've seen you on instagram and Facebook with August Alsina. Are you guys really dating?
Mindi- Can you call him?
Tori- He's at the studio.
Mindi- I want pink and purple.
Tori- Alright.
Mindi- You know you guys are cuter than omeeka.
Tori- *painting her nails* thanks.
Mindi- I though you were a doctor.
Tori- I am.
Mindi- Your just here because you want to be here?
Tori-*Phone Rings* Hey...Kinda...What your gonna bring me it?...Don't be an ass...I want chilly fries and a sprite...How long you gone take...alright.*hangs up*
Mindi- Oh my gosh oh my gosh...was that August Alsina?
Tori- Of course not.
Mindi- So why did it pop up on your phone.
Tori- You caught me.
Liss- Tori can I have that purple?
Tori-*hands it to her*
Liss- thanks.
10 minutes later.

Tori- Just be still

I was trying to even her nails and she was moving to much.

Mindi- I'm sorry I'm just exited.
August-*walks in holding Wendy's then brings it over by Tori*
Tori- What took you so long?
August- I was in the car with Twan and Chad hearing them sobbing and whinning sorry.
Tori-*takes her food*
August-*clears his through*
Tori- Thanks?
August- girl don't play with meh.
Tori- *takes her mask down from her face*
August-*kisses her*
Tori-*kisses him back*
August- Ight ma I got to go.
Tori- Alright.
August -*leaves*
Tori-*looks at Mindi*
Mindi- Oh my gosh.
Tori-*rolls her eyes*

Sorry for Errors❤

Updating again bc it was short❤

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