Chapter 8: Girls are SO Confusing

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Elemental Healing was what me and Rose had next. We headed into the classroom.
Of course Ella has to be there. Me and Rose sat on the opposite side of the classroom. I looked over at her table. Thats weird. Her and what i recognized as Fera were talking and laughing. I shrugged it off and talked to Rose.
Soon a nerdy little man waddled into the room.
"I'm profferer Stalks." Said the teacher in a high pitched voice. "I am your Elemental Healing teacher."

I looked over at Ella again. She was flirting with a water boy. Then it hit me. Ella had used me. Or maybe she was telling the truth. I didn't know but i was determined to find out.
After school i had Elemental duels. Me and James walked excitedly to the gym.
"So." Said James. "You and Ella 'Broke up?'"
"Yeah." I said sadly. "Girls are so confusing."
"I know right!" James replied.
Me and James entered the gym. We hadn't seen the other part of the gym yet so we quickly got changed in the change rooms and headed outside to the training room.

The training room was quite large. Half of it had a glass gate going around it. In that area were targets, dummies, and fourteen mats on the ground in an orderly fashion.

Soon everyone was there. Our class consumed of The Water, Air, and Ice elementals.
A man with long blonde hair walked into the room.
"He looks like Legolas." Whispered James making me laugh quietly.

"My name is Sorein. You will not call me professor, sir, mister or anything close; you will call me by my first name.
My element is Ice. My spirit animal is a leopard seal." His stern voice said.
All of the students nodded.

"All of you team up!" He yelled. "And find a mat.
Me and James nodded at each other and walked to a mat.

After every student had gotten a mat and a partner Sorein started talking again.

"Now, i want all of you to try to take your partner down not by using your powers just fist and feet.Before you ask, we have first aid here." He told us. "Any damage done will be healed, if you seriously hurt someone you will be banned from the class. You mus pin the other on the ground for five seconds. Any questions?"

No body raised their hand.

"Begin!" Yelled Sorein.

Me and James raised our fist. James almost instantly punched at my face, I crouched down dodging his attack.
Swiftly, I spun my leg at James feet; he fell to the ground In a thump.
I went to pin him down but he kicked me off of him.
I did a backwards role and lad on my stomach.
James stood up and pinned me down by my arms. I struggled against his arms but he kept me down for five seconds.

"Nice try!" James said to me.
"Thanks." I smiled. "I'm just not feeling into it today."
"Oh." James replied. "I see."

Elemental duels continued on for an hour and we did the same thing over and over again.
I only won one fight because James stubbed his toe and tripped.

"Hey, could you help me with something tomorrow?" James asked as we walked back from the school.
"Sure." I told him. "Give me a second I need to tie my shoe."

I continued on to the dorms and passed the pond as soon I had finished tying my shoe; it was getting pretty late and the sun was starting to set.
I kept on walking and I herd Ella.

I pearled out behind a tree, there I saw Ella sitting with the Water boy I had seen in History.
"I love you." Ella said.
"I love you too." The Water boy said.

Ella leaned in and kissed the boy.
I just starred. I couldn't think or move.
I quickly turned around and was getting ready to run when I stepped on a branch.

Ella pulled back from the boy and looked at me.
I starred at her. I turned and ran.
I could hear Ella calling my name but I didn't respond I just kept running.

I was following a river and it soon reached a small lake with a water fall.
I tripped over a branch off of a willow tree and fell beneath it hitting my head on a rock.

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