Chapter 19

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<pre style="line-height: 21px; white-space: normal; color: #444444; font-size: 15px; text-align: start;">*MICHELLE BABY SHOWER*


Today is the day of my baby shower that babs and the girls are throwing for me. We were all having fun of course I had the boys come because I didn't like how it felt without them not being there and they also brought us gifts,the girls planned so many baby games including the one where the boys were dressed as big babies and we had to feed and change them, they were some cranky big babies. Me and Max received so many gifts from my cast from coronation street and everyone from the wanted crew, the lads, the girls, babs and my dad and brother, everyone was happy that me and Max will having a baby before we get married. Now I can't wait to marry the man of my dreams. 



The last three months were crazy me and the lads finished the baby nursery and the girls had decorated it all nice and boyish. The lads and the girls stood over mine and michy place for the passed three weeks, baby George will soon be here. 

Me and the lads decided to watch movies with the girls. "Michelle: oh I can't wait for him to come out, gesh he's getting heavy, Jay: you can always pay someone to hold you, Tulisa: this boy is going to be big just look at Your huge baby bump it's huge then mine was and I had a girl, Max: ok so does anyone want to know when will be the wedding day?, Michelle: um Max babe I think that's going to have to wait, Tom: why wait, wait, what the fuck michy you couldn't hold it in?, Tulisa: holy shit! Everyone to the cars and Max go grab Michelle overnight bag and also grab the baby bag there both in the baby's room, ok Nathan now help me with Michelle, Max: why? Michelle seems clam she's not in labor, Tulisa: Max I know more then you I had a baby and well Michelle seems clam because I taught how to be clam when her water broke now go get those bags, Jess: I got them now let's go!".

We rushed to the hospital, as soon as we got there we all piled out the cars and went to the desk, "Max: my finance is in labor, nurse: OK, oh my Your the wanted, all of yous come with me and all of yous can be in the room so Dr.Turner will be in to help you deliver Your baby, Max: Thank you". It's been one hour and forty minutes and Michy already got the epidural, Dr.Turner came in and told us that it was time for Michelle to begin pushing. 

"Michy: Tu I need you by my left side, Tu: of course and Max Your on her right just grab michy hand and she'll squeeze it really hard when she begins to push, Max: got it, Nathan: Jess come by me, Jay: I think I'm going to faint, Tom: why do, oh no eh eww gesh stop screaming Michelle we heard you all the time, Michelle: oh shut it Tom don't make me laugh please, Siva: this is a beautiful moment, what, wait where's the baby coming from, oh my, Nathan: I can't watch, Tom/Jay/Siva: us either(hugging each other), Kelsey: bloody hell guys shut it, Kelsey Ann: keep in mind boys this will happened to us when we have our kids, Jess: this is so beautiful Di stop crying Your making me cry, Dionne: I can't help it, fazer crying as well, Tulisa: Nathan even Dappy can watch and so can fazer, never mind, that's good michy just one more big push". 

(Baby crying), Dr.Turner: congratulations Michelle you push out Your baby boy, Jay: oh my, he's beautiful, Siva: his eyes, Tom: look at how he's looking at Michy, Nathan: this is a beautiful moment, Jay/Tom/Siva: we want kids now, Nathan: I want another one", Kelsey Ann/Kelsey/Nareesha: What?!!!!!, Dr. Turner: Kelsey Ann, Kelsey, Nareesha and Tulisa are yous ok? Girls, nurse get more beds in here now and get more baby beds as well, Jess: there not pregnant thou". 


I was really worried about why did Dr.Turner think the girls were pregnant, that's when I heard more cries of babies, me and Max looked over to see Jay,Siva, Tom, and Nathan carrying babies. "Tom: ours a boy, Siva: ours a girl, Jay: ours a boy, Nathan: we have twins, a boy and a girl, Max: how was that possible, Dr.Turner: even thou you might not have experienced the symptoms of being pregnant, you can still be pregnant without even knowing, so congratulations to all of you boys and girls now Michelle I will take your son name down first, Michelle: Max Alberto Alexander Keegan George, Dr.Turner: beautiful, now Tulisa Your babies names, Tulisa: for the boy Nathan Ethan James Simmons Sykes and the girl Aria Michelle Grace Simmons Sykes, Dr. Turner: both beautiful and long names now Kelsey Ann, Kelsey Ann: his name is Jay Anthony Gallagher McGuiness, Dr.Turner: beautiful now Nareesha, Nareesha: Aaliyah Nevaeh Audrey McCaffrey Kaneswaran, Dr.Turner another long name and gorgeous as well now Kelsey, Kelsey: Arianna Alyssa Aubree Hardwick Parker, Dr.Turner: wow all of Your babies have beautiful and wonderful and long names, congratulations to you all and yous all get to go home on Monday, Congrats to the new father's and congratulations to you Nathan on being a father to newborn twins and I hope to meet Your little one Lexi Ann Simmons Sykes, Nathan: Thank you doctor and tomorrow you can, Dr.Turner excellent now girls get some rest and hand the babies to the dad's and if you boys can help Nathan out watching twins is going to be hard for a awhile, Max/Jay/Tom/Siva: we will Dr. And Thank you". 

Hmmm maybe that's why the girls haven't drank in five months just that one time we all went out but that was when I was one month, well now the boys have to do a lot of baby shopping it's a good thing that Tulisa already had a girl so Aria can have her older sister clothes as well as new clothes, motherhood is a nice feeling. </pre>

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