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Thursday, December 5, 1991

Panama City – Restaurant Nuevo Pacifico (across from market)

8:45 PM – Holy Smokes it's getting busy out there. Way past the time

for me to be wandering this area.

However, I went to the dock, found a boat bound for Jaqué tomorrow

evening. $16 hours - $12. Talked with a couple of crew members for a

while. Also, several boats a day for Jurado Colombia. (Leave from


Hoisted up to the second floor of the Pacifico - room somewhat lesser

in prestige, but same price.

Cops are sort of patrolling this area in a foursome – three guys and a


Fairly serious drinking going on out on the sidewalk. Lots of guys

sleeping around the front of the market, some on pieces of cardboard.

That boat leaves tomorrow evening and arrives at Jaqué

approximately noon Saturday. Burns twelve gallons an hour. Sounds

like they may use imperial gallons here. ???

Stopped in at Cantina Norte for a giant beer, then landed in the hotel

room 9 PM. Feeling in a good mood – things seem to be falling into

place (maybe).

One characteristic of Panamanians that I noticed again in the bar –

When they hear a really catchy all-Panamanian song, they will

individually chime in – usually out of tune. Or whistle, which is worse –

their whistling skills are largely developed in stopping buses or

expressing appreciation of women.

The laid-back bartender wasn't there.

I was asking my sailor acquaintances about Jaqué – hotels, etc. "Oh

yes, and hembras too. (Hembra is an animal of the female sex; or a

fertile plant.).

"Oh sure, that's okay for you young guys, but old fellows like me

aren't interested. We prefer to look at beautiful scenery.

"Oh no, you've got to try out the hembra – very good for you."

Was struck by the number of big muscular guys wandering around

the market/dock area tonight. Look like Ben Johnson's big brothers,

but seemed perfectly peaceable, fortunately.

Friday, December 6, 199110:30 – Restaurant Nuevo Pacifico. A

four-year-old Chinese girl in the booth with me, daughter of the


To this point – bought ticket for twelve dollars after considerable

palaver. Soup for breakfast.

Can store my bags in the shipping office till departure trime. . . . Then

it's back to Darien, to the Pacific port town of Jaqué.

Plaza Mayor 1:20 PM. - Checked out of hotel, left bags up in office of

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