Chapter 22

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Robin's POV
It's been a few years  since the attack at Gotham city. By then, I 've became detective at Gotham city police and have been living a normal life. I still do my nightwing business, I slowly began to stop, as I sought no reason to go on after Marcia left. People considered the attack as the 'The Attack among all races' . They considered it the battle of the century, but Justice League knows better. People thought she was the reason of all the destruction, that she brought them to us. But to the league, she was our hero. She was braver than all of us put together. She had the ability to stand up to her own family and take her place back on her throne.

Young Justice League still goes on today. They still fight crime, alongside newcomers: Raven, Starfire and Cyborg. We all were great friends, but I kept some of my life hidden away from them. They don't know about my life, like all others. I intend to keep it that way, for I lost someone dear to me because of it.

I walk over to cemetery, roses in hand. The arched entryway  was covered in flowers, like usual, and people were constantly going back and forth, giving their regards to the dead. I walk over to three graves. Two of them had a flower and wreath on the gravestone, looking fresh as last week, but the third one was covered with letters and flowers. I moved all the regards off the gravestone to red the name of the lost one. My eyes dulled when I saw the name. 

  Marcantian Clemmons

Born a kind, loving girl, died a hero for us all.

We will miss you....

I place the flowers in the vase in front of her grave. I felt all the memories of her come back to me. The joyful, happy ones to the day I lost her. I could have stopped her, saved her from her sister, but I couldn't do any of that, I was in love with her. I wanted her to be free, but I wanted her alive as well.I felt a tear fall to the ground as I said my prayers.

"Oh, Marcia. Why did you leave me? I loved you to my soul, and you fueled my love. Now? I am empty, wanting more of love and less of this hell of a world. I am hungry for your kisses again, your touch. I long for your laugh, your humor, your smile, and most of all, your hand in marriage. Please come back to me, Marcia. Please...." I whisper, and kiss her gravestone. I get up and straighten my suit and tie.

Suddenly, I feel a warm hand wrap around my waist. I turn around and feel my skin turn pale. My heart was racing, I thought it was going to pop. I was shocked. I couldn't believe my eyes. 

"Hello, Boy Wonder..." Marcia says with a smile on her face. 

I rush to her and hug her, holding her close to me. I felt my face flush with relief. It was her! Marcia is back with me! She's back in my arms. I didn't want to let her go. 

"Dick," she says, "Can't ....breathe!"

"Oh, sorry! " I say and let go of her. She smoothes out her blue and yellow dress. She looked amazing. 

"Is it really you? How did you get back? " I had so many questions.

"Hold on, Baby." She says, smiling. " I know, there are a lot of questions, but calm down! I just jumped out of the portal. I need a break, and some food. Can we get lunch, if you're not busy?" She asks.

I kiss her. I pull her closer to me, not wanting this to end. I didn't care who saw me or yelled at me, I was with the one person who gets me.I slowly move out, and smile," Anything for you, princess."


When we arrived back to the Watch tower, everyone was rejoicing in Marcia's arrival. They hugged her and greeted her with welcoming arms. She was laughing and smiling. M'gann and Artemis were crying of joy. We were all happy she was safe.

"Marcia?" I say. and walk up to her, my hands behind my back. "Can I say something?" 

She nods,"Of course, Nightwing."

I got down on one knee.

"Marcia Clemmons, I know you've already said yes to my proposal, but I wanted to make it something special. This time, I don't want to lose you.  You have always been the fire in my heart since the day we first kissed. I know I was selfish,because all I wanted was your love, and I didn't want to share it with anyone else. I loved you to death, and when you left me eight years ago, I couldn't bear to walk out of our apartment. I was devastated. But now you are here, I'm determined to make everything right. So, without rambling off to the abyss, Marcia Clemmons, I know my life will never be complete without you beside me to share it. Will you marry me?" I say, holding out the ring.Tears were streaming down Marcia's face as the entire room of heroes smile and 'aww's' emitting across the hallways.

"Yes, I will." She says, between sniffs. I get up and put the ring on her dainty finger.  The room erupts in cheers and hoorays. She leans in and kisses me.  

"Now, that I've figured a way in and out of the two world, we could also meet my home. You could meet my world of superheroes, and my family, Grayson" She whispers in my ear.

I smile, "I would be honored to meet your father."

(A/N : And that's it, guys! I finished it!  I'm glad people actually read my book and like it! I'm thinking of writing a book 2 for this series, but don't worry. If you check out my profile, I have other books to pass the time. Till then, keep reading my heroes and villains! More actions on the way!!!)

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