Chapter 5

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     When I finally managed to get home it was late. My mom wasn't home either. Where could she have gone to on a Thursday night, I thought. She's never out this late. Normally she would be heading off to bed right now but her car wasn't in the drive way. I wonder where she could have gone.
     The next morning was Friday and I awoke with the sun shining bright as my mother danced her way around my room. She was in a surprisingly good and happy mood and seeing her like that made my wonder what she did late night, but I didn't ask. "Rise and shine, sweetheart. Don't want to be late for school." She said in a sing song voice.

I groaned and said,"Mom, I don't feel so well." It was half true, my head and stomach hurt, but it was mostly because I didn't want to go to school and face whoever left the note that I still have crumpled up on the floor of my car.

"Baby, what's wrong? Let me check if you have a fever. I'll be right back." With that she left to, I assume, the bathroom for the thermometer. A minute later she came back and immediately shoved it in my mouth. After it beeped, she pulled it out and looked at me. "Well you don't have a fever, but you do look pale. So I'm going call the school before I leave for work and inform them that you're sick. As for you, I want you to stay in bed and get some rest. If you get hungry you can reheat some leftovers. Okay bye, sweetheart, I love you."

After my mom left, I fell back asleep into a deep sleep. I awake with a jolt, screaming my lungs out with tear stained cheeks. As soon as a manged to calm myself down, I ran down the stairs, grabbed my keys and just drove as far and as fast I possibly could. When I somehow manged to run out of gas I got out of my car and ran. Soon I ran out of energy and just fell, fell to the ground and started to cry my eyes out. Soon after I stopped crying, I started to walk to the nearest gas station. It me about a half hour to get there and I didn't even have enough money for half a tank of gas. I only had enough for 2 gallons. After I spent all the money I had with me on the gas, I started my 30 minute walk back to my car. About half way through my walk a car pulls up to the side of the rode. "Excuse me miss, but do you need a ride... to I'm guessing your car to fill with that gas in your hands?" The man spoke with such a recognisable voice that I just can't put my finger on. When I finally look up, however, I recognize him immediately.

Hey, sorry I know this is way over due and it's because like I told you I think anyway is that I'm a big procrastinator and I'm trying not to be, in the mean time this with be my last chapter for a while. I've decided it would be best if I wrote all the chapters first then post/update them weekly or whatever. Sorry again, I really am.

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