Loyalty comes at a price

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Jack blinked a few times, hopping it wasn't really them.
It was.
King Richard lifted his right hand and made a thumbs down figure with his hand and a huge man pulled a lever causing the floor to fall out from under them.
Jack let out a small moan as he turned to King Richard and asked "what did they do? If I'm premeditated to ask."
"Nothing. They must be made examples of, so anyone else knows of the penalties."
Jack nodded and sighed as he turned back to the hanging bodies, so dead and cold looking. Jack felt like killing the man he had sworn his loyalty but he knew that he could never make it from here. People started leaving, moving carefully as to not bump into each other. King Richard put his hand on Jack's shoulder causing Jack to perk up and fake a smile, "yes sire?"
"Did you know those people?"
"Yes sire, they are, were my family." Jack corrected himself.
King Richard nodded and started walking away, leaving Jack to stare at his now dead family.
Jack walked around the town square. Busy people running from store to store. The wind whistling quietly through the towers around the walls. James walked over to Jack and chuckled as she spoke "hello good sir," she bowed, "lovely to meet you here."
Jack had a serious expression on his face, "I'm on duty."
James frowned and pulled Jack into the alleyway.
"My love," she wrapped her arms around his waist, "I love thy."
"I must go for now."
"But I want you to myself."
Jack turned around and nodded.
James walked away and waited for Jack to come home to her. Jack continued walking when suddenly the horses started neighing and lifting their front hooves in the air, the dogs barked angrily and hid under stalls, birds chirped loudly, chickens fell down dead and cows mooed like wild beasts. The sky was turning red-ish, the wind picked up and a loud growl erupted from the ground. Jack pulled out his sword and held it close to his face, searching for the cause of this strange events. The ground shook and a huge pile of dirt and rock rose. A huge lizard pulled it's body out. Long black wings, huge monster claws, completely white eyes. Jack watched the 38ft tall dragon as it pulled it's way up from the claws.
"Lucifer!" Jack almost whispered in disbelief. Lucifer turned to Jack and roared, Jack could taste the dried blood. Lucifer rose to his back feet and spoke loud and clear, "where is your king? King Richard!"
"Why would I tell you?!" Jack shook his head.
Lucifer roared again but picked up a child who was looking for her mother. The child screamed but Lucifer only laughed "I love the taste of virgin. So innocent and unspoiled."
Jack watched as Lucifer licked the child with his long, snake-like tongue. Jack run towards Lucifer with his sword drawn. The child fell to the ground as Jack's sword went deep into Lucifer's stomach. Lucifer cried out in pain, he slowly turned into a beautiful woman with long, black hair and deep blue eyes. Wrapping his arms around Jack he whispered into his ear "you must tell me what I want to know."
Lucifer kissed him, Jack could taste the dried blood as Lucifer's lips crashed onto his. Jack pulled away and yelled "get the fuck away from me!"
Lucifer licked his lips, his heart racing. Jack sighed and looked around as Lucifer turned into a huge king cobra. Lucifer twisted around Jack, he squeezed around Jack until he couldn't breathe.
Lucifer let go and transformed into a huge, black wolf. Lucifer howled and pointed to the castle with his nose before digging another hole, leading to hell.

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