The plan pt1

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Jack woke up. The first thing he saw was Joe's dead eyes. He jumped up and backed away as he felt the blood on his lips.
"No! What happened?!?" He fell to his knees only a few feet away from the dead, cold body. He suddenly saw his parents, his mother was smiling and his father nodded.
"You must help us son." He father's words felt unloving as he continued to nod.
"Kill Lucifer my boy. It's the only way." His mother stepped closer to him. For some reason Jack slowly backed away until a large wolf appeared. It howled angrily and stood between Jack and his parents.
"Wha-" Jack tried to speak but before he could the black fur disappeared and a man stood up.
"Huh?!?" Jack stared in wonder as the Lucifer turned to him.
{A/N I hope you got that it was Lucifer when he turned human lol}
"Jack..." Lucifer smiled as he faced him.
"You're Lucifer!"
"Yes. Now do you see what he's done?" He was getting impatient with this boy.
"Yes! I will kill that monster!"
"No!" Both his parents hissed before turning to smoke and floating away. Lucifer nodded and brushed his hand through his hair,
"Come! There are others who will help you."
"What about Joe and..." Jack felt the tears form, "Emilia, they're dead?" He felt complete despair, Lucifer sighed as he shook his head,
"I'm sorry about them but we need to go."
"How? Where?"
Lucifer turned into a large lion and roared.
"Wha-" Jack stared to ask but Lucifer ran under him and threw Jack on top of him.
"Whoa!" Jack grabbed on to Lucifer's mane tightly as they started moving.
Jack sighed as he looked around, "so what are we doing here?"
Lucifer looked at him annoyed,
"This is hell. My home! The only place Richard can't find us!" He growled angrily as if it was as plain as the nose on his face.
"Ok ok...jeez!" Jack looked around as the screams of death started filling his ears, "what do you have in mind?"
"We need to get into his castle, his bedroom to be exact."
"Ok but then what?"
"Then we finish this once and for all!" Lucifer explained what would be happening once they got into the castle.
Jack agreed, "of course! When is this to happen?"
"First we need to find the others."
"Do you even know where they are?" Jack looked annoyed and angry at the same time as he scoffed the question.
Lucifer nodded, "yes. I know where they are Jack!" He spit the name in disgust.
"We need to bury Emilia and Joe." Jack felt a large wave of sadness wash over him. Lucifer nodded and brought them back to the land of the living.
When they reached Emilia's body, animals had already started picking her apart. Her left eye sticking out of her head and squished, her chest ripped into and her skull pulled off her shoulders. Jack turned his back to her and threw up. Lucifer patted his back,
"It's ok. It's going to be ok."
Jack looked over his shoulder and groaned as he saw her body.

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