Chapter I: The Girl With Everything

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The Gold Coast, Australia, also known as my latest tour stop. Well, I say tour stop but flying from place to place to visit your dad's hotels was a lot less organized than a world tour. Although, I wasn't complaining, I loved traveling.

Although, it did have a lot of down sides. I've been to so many schools over the years, I've lost count. They always learn the same thing as my previous school and I completely miss important topics. I also have to be quick to make friends at every new place. Friends that I won't see ever again after a few months.

I never know how long I'll stay in one place and I know never to get too attached to anything. I'd been living in New Zealand for a few months before coming to sunny Australia. Auckland was beautiful, it had mountains and beaches, I even had a nice group of friends there, but we had to move on.

I loved beaches, I enjoyed the sun and the feeling from sand in between your toes and collecting gorgeous shells. I loved the look of the calm ocean and the sound of crashing waves. It was all so perfect to me. The water made me feel like I belong somewhere.

I loved the beach and Australia is pretty well known for theirs, so I thought I might as well check one out, considering I might be here a while. As the sand began to crawl up my legs, I hear the relaxing sound of waves. Happily, I walked along the beach, watching the Australians walk past. I'd stop and eavesdrop without realizing, Australian's had these cute little accents.

The air was so warm, I longed to be out in the cool sea but there were too many people here. I enjoyed swimming but I only did it in very private locations because I'm different. People aren't always accepting to different things so I choose to hide away.

"Come over 'ere," someone yelled from the waves, interrupting my peaceful walk.

A bunch of desperate teenaged boys, lounging around on surfboards and drifting amongst the waves seemed to be calling me. I was used to it; being catfished. I mean every girl gets it now and then.

"Babe, come over 'ere," they yelled again.

I ignored them and kept walking but they didn't seem to give up. I knew better than to get into any sort of trouble with a group of boys but it still made me feel ashamed of my body whenever anyone did it. I'm not special.

"Scared of the water? Don't worry, we'll look after you."

Okay, maybe I take that back, I am special. But going into the water isn't an option when you're "special" like I am. Like I said, people aren't always accepting to different things, but me? Well, I'm a mermaid.

It's been pretty hard to keep the secret, the only person I've ever told was my dad. But I guess I never really told him, he kinda found me. He'd forced me onto a boat one day, while we were living in Germany, and I got a little water on me and dived in. I guess he got worried when I didn't come back up for air and dived after me, only to receive the biggest shock of his life.

It happens every time I get a single drop of water on my skin. It's 10 seconds before this golden, scaly tail replaces my legs. But having someone to look out for you made this whole secret a lot easier. I spent most my time with my dad anyway, he was the only family I had left. I was an only child and my mum passed away when I was 10, I don't remember her very well.

Suddenly, the water around the boys began to bubble, waking me from my daydream of my family. As the water continued to boil, one of the boys strangely was tipped off his surfboard, as if he'd been pushed by someone, but there were no waves.

I look around for an explanation but only found two girls standing a few paces away from me. They were about my age, one with light blonde, frizzy hair and the other with straight, brown hair. They both had perfect figures, why couldn't those boys catfish them.

The water continued to bubble and boys continued to panic as the two girls stared out to the ocean, smiling. I notice they were both making odd hand motions. They smirked at each other, released their hands and the water began to calm.

The two girls walked off, I was unable to stop myself from staring as they moved past me. The water responded to their hand signals, as if they were... As if they were "special" but I knew it was impossible.

When I became a mermaid, I got a power. Not like a super power to read minds or travel at the speed of light but I could twist my hand and turn water into jelly and jelly into crystal. Perhaps the two girls had some sort of powers too.

I sat down on a patch of grass, looking out at the ocean and tried to relax. But it was no use, my thoughts kept drifting back to them. I could see them lying side by side on beach towels, not far from me. I don't know why but I couldn't keep my eyes off them.

What if they were special, what if they were different. What if I wasn't the only one. I sat alone for hours after they'd left. My mind continually playing back the moment the water had began to bubble.

It was going to be dark in a few hours, I guess I should start heading back to the hotel I was staying in with my dad until the rest of our stuff arrived. As I walked, I daydreamed about having someone to swim to the bottom of the ocean with, until I bumped into someone.

"Rikki's cafe opening tonight," the guy said and shoved a flyer at me before running off to meet a girl with curly, blonde hair. It was her, one of the girls from the beach. The two hugged and I knew they'd be at the cafe tonight, what was the harm in going to find out a little more about her?

I rushed home to get changed. I picked out a white, strapless dress which I'd only brought yesterday with my blue crystal necklace. I'd found the crystal at the bottom of the pool that I became a mermaid in and worn it ever since, it was special to me.

I went into the bathroom and started heating up the curling iron. As it warmed up, I pulled out my makeup from the cabinet. I suddenly felt water drip onto my head, slowly, then it all came down at once. I looked up, nothing was there. I slammed the door, just in time to see a small tentacle thing being sucked down the shower drain.

I landed on the floor with a tail. Great.

I'd never seen it, the thing that came out of the drain. Was this something that only happened in Australia? I'd been living in this country for only a week and already, I was scared and confused, wanting to go back to anywhere but here.

It was a full moon tonight, the worst night of the month for any mermaid. Perhaps that had something to do with the tentacle. I didn't really want to find out and left as soon as I could. I'd been a mermaid for 9 years and I was never so confused about everything.

HEY EVERYONE!!! So I decided to start another story in Bella's POV, I didn't write an introduction because I figured it would be fairly simple to follow along with. I'm going to post 3 chapters today and if they get many views or any good feedback, I'll be sure to continue this one. Hope you enjoy :)
- Myah xo

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