Chapter V: Now or Never

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After speaking to Will about his trip to Mako, I planned to met up at the cafe with Cleo and Rikki. I told them everything we said, hoping for a little advice, but all I got were a few laughs from Cleo. She thought my awkward child-like joy was hilarious.

"And he didn't think it was sussed, you just inviting yourself along?" Cleo asked.
"Why would he?"
"The fact you only just met, the fact I was the only one he told and suddenly you know all about it?" Rikki interrupted.
"He didn't mention it," I realized how clueless I sounded.
"Well I think it's too risky, we don't know anything about him," Rikki complained, as always.
"That's the point," I chirped.
"Maybe we should go with you and keep you company?" Cleo suggested.
"No thanks, I'll be fine on my own."

I stood up, I was done with this. I was offended that they didn't trust me but I tried not to show it. I was going and they couldn't stop me, I liked Will and I really wanted to get to know him better. I said goodbye and left, it was getting late and my dad would be wondering where I am.

The week dragged on and on, all I did was wait for Saturday. I talked to Cleo a lot about the weekend and how excited I was to wonder a beautiful national park with someone I've barely met. And she told me about how ready she was to figure out what changed in the moon pool.

I even went for a swim with Cleo and Rikki to the moon pool entrance but Cleo protested against going inside, incase another tentacle was hiding inside. At least, now I knew my way to Mako Island, sort of.

Saturday finally came around, I'd set my alarm super early incase I get lost on my way to Mako. I meet my dad in the kitchen to find he's cooking bacon for breakfast before he has to go to a meeting. I smile, I loved bacon.

"You're up early for a Saturday," he says.
"I'm meeting a friend," I say as I get a plate for my bacon.
"You're already made friends? Oh, that's great sweetie, what's her name?"
"His name is Will," I smile at the thought.
"A boy!? Do you love him, Bella? Are you going to get married, Bella?"
"Dad, not every guy that comes within a 2 mile radius of me is my husband-to-be," I laugh.

I took my time while swimming the reefs, they were genuinely beautiful, so bright and colorful. The fish that lived amongst the were so happy and friendly. I was delighted to be living near somewhere so beautiful.

The beach was warm, I pushed myself up onto some rocks, incase Will came early and waited for my tail to dry off. I was making a mental note of my surroundings, I had to make it seem like I visited this island regularly.

There were trees surrounding the beach which all seemed to lead uphill. The island looked mountainous and most likely very dangerous. I saw a boat in the distance and headed back towards the beach, standing strongly as I watched Will pull his little motorboat onto the sandbar.

"You haven't got a boat?"

I hesitated, of course I don't have a boat when I could swim anywhere faster and easier. I couldn't tell him I swam here or he'll think I'm a good swimmer and could just swim to the underwater entrance to the moon pool.

"Some friends dropped me off earlier," I said, proud of how quickly the lie had come to me.

He gave me a strange look and then picked up a large black bag from his boat and swung it over his back. He started to pick up another bag, bright yellow and much bigger, and I felt stupid for not bringing anything. I had to cover up this mistake somehow.

"Wow, you're really serious about this."
"Yeah, well I need to know what happened to me," he stated, lugging the second bag over his back. "Anyway, thanks for coming along, it'll be a big help having someone here who knows the island."
"That's me," I tried to sound convincing. "Oh, I can help with that if you like," I pointed at the two large bags on his back.
"Thanks," Will said, handing me the larger bag.

I grab the bag, surprised by how much it actually weighs and I topple over. I shake it off and pull the bag over my shoulder. I'm not very strong and I don't think Will was convinced that I could carry the bag so quickly, I change the subject.

"Um- this way," I point towards a clearing the looks easy to climb.

We walked in silence for a while, I guess we were both amazed by everything on this island. There were all sorts of birds and bugs hiding within the dense trees, unknown bird calls were heard all around.

"Are you sure we're heading in the right direction," Will asks.
"Yeah, yeah, it's over there somewhere."
We step into a clearing and a stream stands in front of us. Oh no.
"After you," he says.
"No, no, you go first, I'll just... take off my shoes."
"A little water won't hurt you," he calls back.
"I don't want to wreck them," I nervously laugh.
He crosses the stream, "I thought you were taking your shoes off?"

I was so busted, what could I do? Sorry Will, I won't be crossing the stream today because it's full of water and when I touch water, I turn into a fish. I looked around, the stream seemed to go for miles, there was no way around.

"I need a minute alone," I blurt out without thinking.
Lies and more lies; "There isn't a bathroom around here is there?" I call out.
"Oh," Will says sheepishly and continues walking.
"No looking," I shout.

I waited until he was far away and raised my palm to the stream making small stepping stones appeared. I smiled at my work and poked the first stone, to see if they were stable. Putting my weight onto the first stone, I slowly make a step to the second and third stones.

Becoming more confident in my stepping stones, I leap to the fourth and lose my balance. Flapping my arms as I crash into the shallow waters. I sigh and stand up quickly, pulling Will's backpack off before flopping over my tail.

The stepping stones vanish and I hear Will calling my name, I have to hide. A small wall of rocks upstream seemed like the only safe place. The water was shallow and I had to ungracefully crawl through the flowing water. Will continued calling my name and I knew this was the end of my secret.

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