Chapter IV: The Start of Something New

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Rikki had asked me to meet up with her and Cleo in the carpark before the first day of school. It turns out we'd go to the same high school, which I found relieving, knowing I wouldn't have to be alone the whole time.

Cleo was telling us how she'd had to get her mirror replaced because of the tentacle attack last night. She had to make up a long story about throwing her phone in anger, which she blamed on Lewis, naturally. She said her dad seemed suspicious but I guess she couldn't tell him a water tentacle attacked her.

"You can't be scared of water your whole life," Rikki complained.
"Oh, tell that to the water tentacle," she replied.
"Ah- I thought we agreed it was only a full moon," Lewis butted in.
"No. You agreed on that," Cleo said as I followed them up the stairs, into the main courtyard.
"Yeah well, try and get it out of your mind. Concentrate on your final year of school."

I realized I wasn't speaking much and didn't want to sink into an awkward, quiet phase again. I smiled and told them I liked the look of their school. Rikki was in disbelief and told me to give it a week and I'd hate it, she made me laugh.

"Hey Bella, looks like you're not the only newbie," Lewis said.

I looked around and spotted Will, staring unenthusiastically at the same tour guide that gave me a very brief tour of the school, he talked a lot and didn't really do the job and I was sure I'd get lost, which was what he was supposed to prevent.

"Will's starting here too," I grinned.
"Hey, do you reckon he remembers anything from the moon pool?" Cleo asked, nervously.
"Doesn't matter. The less we see of him, the better," Rikki mumbled and walked off.
"Come on, I'll show you around," Cleo said.

I'd asked her for a tour earlier and told her about the old tour guide which she laughed at. Cleo showed me around all the senior classrooms, my locker, the canteen and the office. She made a much better tour guide than whatever his name was.

My first few classes weren't exciting, they never were. Our teachers introduced themselves and I tried to make friends but no one seemed too friendly. I was thrilled when the bell went, announcing lunch.

I met up with Cleo while Rikki started going off about how Will had remembered the moon pool and how he wanted to go back to Mako Island. Will had confronted Rikki at her locker and she was forced to rudely shut him out. She didn't seem keen on letting him anywhere near the place, in fear they'd find something important.

"I couldn't talk him out of it."
"We have to go with him," Cleo said.
"I don't think we should be encouraging him to go out there again," she complained.
"Rikki, he's seen the water attack us. I mean we need to find out what we knows before the next full moon," Cleo stated.
"And how are you going to do that?"
I realized I was being quiet again. "One of us could distract him," I suggested. Rikki looked at me in disgust, she never seemed to be too happy.
"While the others reexamine the moon pool," Cleo continued my sentence.
"She's got it," I said, in joy.
"Oh, has she?" Rikki questioned, I was beginning to think she didn't like me too much.
"If you don't want to do it, I'll go out there with him," I said, besides I wanted to spend more time with Will anyway.
"He wants a guide, you've been there once which was underwater at night," Rikki stated.
"Ah! But who better to lead him astray than someone who has no idea where they're going."

The school day went on and I found that I only had a few classes with Rikki and Cleo and a few with Lewis and Will. This gave me plenty of time to figure out how to invite myself to Will's exploration trip at Mako, while I sat through boring lessons I'd already had at previous schools.

Cleo had told me about the entrance that came from above the pool and a few tactics to keep him busy while she checked out the moon pool with Rikki. The plan was to lead him in circles until it got dark and he gave up.

After the day finished, I followed him for a little while, keeping a good distance until I knew the time was right. He was walking past the beach when I ran up to him, I started speaking before he even got the chance to tell me to leave.

"So, I hear you're going to Mako Island."
"Where did you hear that?" he asked, his deep voice was so calming.

I wasn't sure if he recognized me or even remembered my name, but that didn't stop me. I needed to go on that trip with him and if he wouldn't invite me, I'd just have to invite myself.

"Oh, it's all over school." He looked shocked, "Not really, but seriously when are you going?"
"Why do you want to know?" he sounded confused.
"Cause I'm coming with you," I was trying to be smooth but it wasn't working out, this conversation was a lot easier in my head. "I love it over there and I know it really well so I could help you."

He still didn't seem convinced. I guess I wouldn't either if a random person I'd met once in the middle of the night, in a cave, was asking to join me on a trip to a creepy, abandoned island, but I kept talking.

"We all need help sometimes, it's part of being human, besides I can take you to that cave," I smiled.
"The underwater entrance?"
"No way, no no no. Too soggy and I'm not a very good swimmer. No, we'll go to the other entrance which comes from above," I say, making a funny hand movement.

He looks impressed so I keep talking. I'm one of those people who either talk a heap or barely talk at all, there's pretty much no in between. Some times I talked until the stupidest things came out of my mouth and still talked and others I wouldn't say a word the whole day.

"So Saturday's best for me about 10, I'll see you on the beach?" I say.
"How about more like 9?"
"Better, alright see you then," I smile and run off like a little kid.

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