Chapter III: Another Tail

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Cleo spotted me in the water and stared awestruck, I guess she never thought there were other mermaids either. I still couldn't believe I was swimming with another mermaid, it was an amazing feeling.

But all was broken by the sounds of Rikki's screams as she was taken deeper into the canal. I swam after her, Cleo followed. I had no idea where this thing was going to take her or what it wanted from her but I was going to follow it.

This was my first swim out in the Australian reefs, it was sad that I had to rush it all and couldn't look at the beautiful coral below. What I did get glimpses of, was colorful and bright and completely stunning.

We followed the water tentacle and Rikki into a cave where we found her struggling under the light of the full moon, coming in directly through an opening in the roof of the cave. The water was bubbling and the walls seemed to be made of water.

Cleo was using her power against the tentacle and I felt kinda stupid not to have thought of doing the same. I raise my palm to the tentacle and twist my wrist, attempting to turn the tentacle into jelly. She seemed surprised that I even had a power, but didn't it all come with the tail?

Once I'd turned the tentacle to jelly, I pushed my palm towards the beast and hardened the jelly, into crystal. The tentacle shattered through the water and we all escaped to the surface. Panting for breath, Cleo made sure Rikki was alright and then they turned to me. I was scared, of the tentacle, of people knowing my secret, of other mermaids, but I didn't need to be.

"Nice tail," Rikki said.
"Likewise," I replied.

There was a groan from the sand, a shirtless boy lay unconscious. I didn't really know what to do, I wanted to help him but he'd be in for a surprise if he found he was being helped by 3 girls with tails.

"He sounds like he could be injured," Cleo said.
"What if he sees us?" Rikki protested.
"We can't just leave him," I spoke up.
"I've got a really bad feeling about this," Rikki said as she hopped out of the pool.

She balled her fist and steam began to rise, it turns out her power was heating and boiling water, but also summoning lightning and starting fires. She tried off Cleo and I as we demonstrated our powers, Cleo had the power to manipulate water and create wind.

Once we were dry, we quickly discussed what to do with the boy. Cleo suggested we drag him through the water and hope he stays unconscious until we got to a hospital. Rikki suggested we throw him in the pool and let him drown. I didn't really agree with either idea.

"Oi, sleeping beauty," Rikki shouted, kicking the boy with her high heel.
"Rikki!" Cleo complained.

His eyes opened and he sat up swiftly, obviously shocked to see anyone. He seemed out of breath and used the rock wall to help him up. He had light brown hair and amazing muscles, he must work out often. His body looked damp so we were careful to keep our distance.

"It's okay, it's okay. What are you doing here?" Rikki asked, confused.
He looked around, "I came in here diving but it's... Different."

He walked over to the water, he looked as confused as we felt. He must of seen the look on our faces, confused and questioning, because he continued to explain himself. He pointed to the walls.

"The- the walls- the walls were one big waterfall and lightning or-or something was coming off it. Right here, I swear," he stared at the solid rock walls. How much did he know about this place? Could we tell him anything without including the whole fishy secret?

"Something came for me from the pool. Water, it- it attacked me," he said. He must of seen the tentacle too.
"You must of slipped and hit your head," Rikki folded her arms.
"No, it wasn't a dream, it was like it was alive, magic or something," he sounded crazy but he was telling the truth, only thing was we couldn't let him know he was telling the truth.
"You should go see a doctor," I suggested.

He nodded and turned towards the water again as if he was preparing to dive in and leave, as if that could be the end of all of this. But it's never that simple.

"What are you guys doing here anyway?" he asked.
"The sooner you get checked out, the better," Cleo said.

I didn't want to let him leave like that, I admit he was overly attractive and maybe starting a friendship with him was the best way to make sure he didn't get close to any of the secrets this place held.

"Are you sure you'll be alright getting back?" he turned to me with a puzzled look.
"My name's Will," he said.

With that he stepped into the pool and took off, holding all his gear. The start to a great friendship, he knew my name, we're practically besties now.

It was getting late, Cleo said goodnight and dived into the pool, Rikki followed her giving me a smile. I hesitated before diving in, I have no idea where I was. How would I get home? I sped out of the pool, hoping to catch Rikki or Cleo but both had already gone.

I started to worry, how would I ever get home? A boat passed above me, Will's. I guess following him back to wherever he lived was better than being lost at sea for years. It took a while but I found my way home and by 3am, I was fast asleep.

The next morning, I got a text from Rikki asking to meet up at the cafe. She was sitting with Cleo and her boyfriend, Lewis, outside.

"Hey, Bella," Rikki smiled.
"Hello," I greeted everyone.
"This is Lewis, my boyfriend. Lewis, this is Bella, the girl we were talking about." Cleo said.

I smiled and shook his hand but inside I was going crazy. Talking about? Cleo told Lewis my secret already? Could I really trust these two?

"Don't worry, he'll keep your secret, right Lewis?" she turned to him.
"Right." he said, although it sounded forced. "So- when did you become a mermaid?"
"Well, I was 9 when-" I started.
"You've been a mermaid since you were 9?!" he sounded shocked.
"Yeah, well. We were living in Ireland at the time."

I told them the whole story, I remember it so clearly, although it was so many years ago. My parents had gone to a business meeting and so I took a little walk to the beach, but I got distracted and ended up in a pile of rocks by the cliffs. I found a little sea cave, amongst the rocks so I went in.

There was a pool of water, outlooking the ocean. I felt really drawn there, like I was at home. I stayed until it got dark, mainly because I didn't know how to get home but as the moon came into view of the pool, it started to bubble. So like any curious 9-year-old, I jumped in.

My dad had promised me we'd go back to Ireland one day, but we never did, not yet anyway. The topic quickly changed from me to the water that attacked Rikki, I was happy to be out of the spotlight.

"We've got to figure it out before he does," Rikki said, pointing to Will.
"Will?" I asked.
"He was there, he saw whatever it was and that means trouble for all of us."
"Um? All of us?" I repeated.
"You're one of us now, Bella," Cleo smiled.
"Well, we haven't really discussed it," Rikki started but Cleo gave her a death stare as if to tell her to be nice.
"Though, we'd like it," she continued politely. "I mean if you want to?"
"Yeah, I'm in."

So, that's season 3, episode 1 in 3 chapters of Bella's POV. Feedback is much appreciated and if you guys like it, I'll be sure to continue writing this one. Make sure to check out my other story, Mermaid Mystery, and maybe give me a little vote? It means a lot and only takes a few seconds. Thanks a lot :)
-Myah xo

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