Dafuq is wrong with America?!

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Wait a minute! So, I read the newspaper this morning (yes I read the newspaper) and what do I see? Oh yeah, Donald fucking Trump won the damn election. Like, hold the fuck up please. Who the hell voted for him and why did they do this shit?! First of all he's talking about kicking all the muslims out of America, but according to all them white people, America isn't racist anymore *rolls eyes so fucking hard, they fall out* Then he's saying he's gonna put up a boarder to stop Mexicans from coming in. First of all, South America is part of America overall. How the fuck is he gonna chat shit about Mexicans 'immigrating' into North America. These white people (some, not all) need to realise that America is not 'their' country. Always talking shit about my country this and my country that, America ain't your fucking country. Stop saying you discovered it, you can't discover shit that somebody already lives in. Then this dumbass sandy haired cheeto had the fucking nerve to say that 'black lives matter' is bullshit. Well we wouldn't have to do shit like that if people like him stopped being so fucking ignorant. Next thing you know, Trump is gonna try and bring back slavery or some next fucked up shit.
But seriously these Americans need to get their shit together before people start rioting.

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