His child doesn't like you (H)

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PART THREEEEEEEEEE: final part...I think.


45 minutes had passed, and so far you'd had a check up and a scan. All four of you-yes Darcy was still there, were in the waiting room. The doctor wanted to have a 'quick word' God knows what about.

"Miss y/n y/l/n?" A petite woman, with auburn hair and green eyes, approached you.

"Yes?" You asked, standing up

"I'm assuming this is the father?" She pointed at Liam.

"No he's not. I think you're confused." Harry glared at Liam.

"Oh, um, I apologise." She squeaked nervously. Who could blame her? She only came up to Harry's hip, just about.

She led you into her office and sat you down.

"Everything seems to be in order...but-"

"But?" Harry cut her off. You sharply nudged him and he shut up.

"But." She continued "Your body shows high levels of stress. Stress is never a good thing during pregnancy, especially in the early stages." She leaned forward in her chair.

"I also noticed something else, when you had your check up. Your adrenaline levels were quite high. Almost as if you'd been in a violent or intimate contact with someone." She peered at Harry as the word intimate left her mouth.

"Well it was just you and Darc in the other room..." he trailed off.

"Look, Harry, there's no easy way to say this-"

"Hi, hi!" Darcy burst in.

"Uncle Li's gone home, and I wanted to know how my little baby brother or sister is." She smiled.

"Darcy, that's fine. That's really sweet actually." Harry beamed at 'his' daughter. You scoffed at the sight.

"What was that babe?" Harry asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just got a cough. We should let the doctor finish..." You replied.

He kissed the top of your head and let the Doctor speak.

"Moving on!" She awkwardly chuckled.

She gave you a print out of the scan and gave you some stress relief 'tips'. She basically told you to eat, exercise and...oh yeah! Have as many 'special' times with Harry as possible. You noticed Darth Vader, a.k.a Darcy, roll her eyes at this, but you didn't pay her any mind.

Once you got back to Harry's, you switched on your phone, only to see 84 missed calls and 128 messages.

"What the hell is wrong with Liam?" You whispered

"What's up, mummy Styles?" Harry wrapped his arms around you from behind.

"Nothing!" You shoved your phone back into your pocket.

He ran his hands over your stomach.

"We're gonna be a proper little family y'know." He smiled to himself and kissed your cheek, before plopping down on the sofa.

Darcy bound down the stairs, hair in a ponytail, showing off the bruise on her cheek.

"What the fuck?! Darcy what happened?!" He rushed over to her.

"Y/n g-got mad at me f-for talking about m-mom, so she hit me!" She whimpered.

Harry whipped around to face you.

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