Chapter 1

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Maybelle's POV

I walked up to the front doors of my new high school. This was it. This was my senior year. A blonde guy held the door open for me. "Thank you." I said with a smile. He nodded, then proceeded to check me out. I sighed and kept walking. The hallways smelled of fresh paint and coffee. I loved it. The corridors were just crawling with pretty girls and attractive guys. Everyone here was so beautiful. I adjusted my grip on my bag and entered the office. A woman stood up and greeted me. "Hello! It's nice to have you attending our school this year. Maybeline, is it?" She smiled ear to ear. "Yes that's me." She handed me a paper and explained my classes. "Thank you so much." I said as I returned to the busy corridor.

I glanced down at my paper and walked down the corridor, looking for my locker. I bumped into someone rather stalky. "Oh, gosh I'm so-" my breath hitched. "I'm sorry love, didn't you see you there." The fellow looked up from his phone and we met eyes. "M-Marcel?" He covered my mouth and hushed me. "It's Harry. I go by Harry now." Other students kept bumping into us, so he gently pulled me aside and hugged me tightly. "You look absolutely incredible. Fucking beautiful, as always." He complimented. "Uh, thanks. You look great too." I replied awkwardly. He was so much taller and more muscular than the last time I saw him. (Honestly, he was hot as hell.)

"So, this is where you transferred to?" I gulped. "Ehm, yeah." He cleared his throat. "And I'm guessing you too." He chuckled. "Yes." I gave a short reply. He nodded. "So, do you need help finding anything, love?" He asked abruptly. "Oh, uh, yeah. I don't really know where my locker is." I showed him the paper. "C'mon, I'll take you there." We started walking and it felt like forever before we got there. "When do classes begin?" I asked. "In about ten minutes."


Later, I was putting my books in my locker. A blonde girl approached me. "Its Maybeline, right?" She looked like a movie-star. "Uhm, yeah. But I prefer Maybelle." I replied. "So, I saw that you were talking to Harry earlier.." She looked at me like an insect. "Uhm, yeah-" she interrupted me, I could tell she wasn't even listening. "Well, I've heard he's dangerous. So you should probably stay away. I wouldn't want you getting yourself into trouble." She smiled so falsely it almost made me cringe. "Yeah sure whatever." I brushed it off. "No really, he breaks every girls heart and every guy's nose. Don't fuck with him." I didn't like her already. Shel walked away to join her peppy friends by the water fountain. I scoffed and went the other way.

I bumped into Harry once again in the corridor by the lunch room. "Hi love, how's your day?" He put his arm around me. "It's okay, Not the most fun I've ever had, though." He watched my lips as I spoke. "Let me show you the co-ed lavatory." He smirked. We entered a room that smelled of smoke, sex, and textbooks. There was graffiti everywhere you looked on the red and white walls. "So you like it here?" He spun around. I ran my fingers across the stall doors. "It seems nice so fa-" he grabbed my small frame and pushed me against the wall in a rough kiss. Oh god how I loved it. But I couldn't. "M-Marcel, Harry." My voice quivered. He pulled away. "Hmm?" He looked at me, almost suggestively. "I can't. I just can't right now, Harry." I shook my head.

"Why not, love? C'mon, it'll be like old times." He nudged me. "Harry, a girl told me I should stay away from you. And I've been getting weird looks all day..." I sighed and bustled over to the mirror to check my makeup. "Love, are you really going to listen to a stranger? And you're a new girl, people are going to stare. Because they know you're now the hottest girl here." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "What happened to you? You became a player didn't you?" I pressed. "Maybelle, it's not like that. I-" the door opened, and in walked movie-star girl. "Oh, hi Maybelle." She said in an annoying tone. Her smile was like nails on a chalk board, just visually. "Hi." I awkwardly tucked my hair behind my ear.

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