Chapter 5

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Maybelle's POV
Harry asked me to stay after school with him, so I agreed. I wasn't sure why, but hey, why not? "Help me work out." He commanded. His large hand grabbed my petite one and took me into the locker room. "I-I can't be in here." I attempted to leave. "Calm down, there's no one in here." He assured. The large room smelled of cologne and sweat. "Harry if I get caught in here-.." I worried. He shook his head. "Don't worry about it." He began changing. I turned away, blushing. "What're you blushing for, love?" He poked. "You act like you've never seen someone else naked before.." He laughed. "That's because I haven't", I thought. "C'mon." He took my hand again and led me to the weight room.
He loaded the bar with weights and laid on the bench. I got behind it. "I don't think I can lift this much, just in case of an acci-" he interrupted. "You aren't spotting me. Come down here." I walked to the other end of the bench. "Sit." He patted his lap. I shyly sat down, straddling him. I felt his muscles straining beneath me each time he lifted the bar up and down. My cheeks were flushed. His strength amazed me. Beads of sweat began running down his forehead. His large hands tightly grasped the bar. I sat quietly, wondering if I should talk or not. So I only spoke when he spoke to me.


He worked out for probably half an hour. He sat up, my body remained on top of him. "I'm done, it's four o'clock." He said breathily. We were so close together. We stayed like that for a moment. (All I could think about was how hot he was, like, holy hell.) I stood up and handed him his towel. He wiped off his face then shook his messy hair back into place. He motioned for me to follow him back to the locker room. I loosely clung onto his arm during the walk. "Harry," He turned to me. "Why did you leave last year?" I questioned hesitantly. A period of silence clouded the hallway. "I got into a fight and I was arrested. My parents decided that I would transfer." He replied vaguely. He started walking again. I jogged to catch up. "Who did you fight? And why?" I said quickly. He began to speak but stopped himself. "Please, just tell me." I begged. "I fought Zody." He blurted. He got his clothes out of his bag. "But why? Why did you do it?" I repeated. He shook his head slightly. "Please, Harry.." I begged. He shook his head once again. "Harry." I pressed. "Fine!" He shouted. His voice boomed throughout the locker room. My face pouted. The anger left his face. "I didn't mean to shout at you, it's just..." He paused. "I figured-.." He couldn't seem to tell me. "I did it for you." He said quietly. I barely heard him, but I knew he wouldn't repeat himself. "What do you mean? Why would you do that for me..?"
"The bullying got worse for you once you were dating me... I figured if I would teach them a lesson... then they wouldn't be so hard on you." He explained. Tears filled my eyes. "But everything got worse when you left." I said in a shaky voice. I stood with my back turned to him. I refused to let him see me cry. His arms wrapped around my waist. His head rested in the crook of my neck. "I never meant to hurt you. All I wanted was to stop it. I wanted you to be happy." His larger body engulfed me. "But you didn't want me anymore." I said, denying his body language. "Yes I did." He hugged me tighter. "I still do." He continued. His shirtless skin was warm against my back. "I always will." He kissed my neck. He turned me around and connected our lips. I felt a sweet passion between us. My first love had come back. My only love. The boy I love, the boy who saved me, had finally came back. I got lost in the moment of our kiss. My feelings for Harry and the feeling of his body against mine were all I could feel. Also, all I ever wanted to feel.

(Author's Note!)
Another update! I'm sorry these are taking so long.. I've got a lot going on. Christmas break is starting so I should be updating more. I love you guys!!
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