Chapter 4

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Maybelle's POV
I finished the last of my calculus homework and flopped onto my bed to check my phone. I had a few text messages.

Hey! I'm having a party tonight, you in?

-Sure, thanks for the invite!

Of course!

Amanda's having a party later.. You wanna go?

-Yep. Wanna walk over together?

Okay, I'll be over soon. :)

Party tonight... Hope to see you ;)

-Ditto :)

I jogged across the room to my closet and searched for an outfit. I quickly grabbed a sweater and jeans, hearing Demi knocking at the door. The last party I was at was about two weeks ago and I was accused of sleeping with two people. (So, it didn't turn out too well.) I opened the front door and met Demi with a smile. "Hey!" We greeted simultaneously. After a hug, we left the house and started walking to Amanda's. The town wasn't too big, and mostly everyone lived within six or seven blocks of each other. Amanda lived four blocks away from my house, which wasn't too far. Thankfully, it was a Friday night, so I could get as drunk as I wanted, and didn't have to worry about school the next day.
After about a ten minute walk, we came up to a large brick house. We walked up to the front door, no hindrance from the guys standing at the gates. They were a couple of jocks who were making sure no one got in who wasn't supposed to. Weird how they were doing this for Amanda... (Must've been the free beer.) We went into the house and saw Amanda in the kitchen, surrounded by our friends. The rest of the house was full of punks, college students, and a few jocks here and there. I joined Harry at the table and Demi sat across from us, next to some older guy.
"Hello love." Harry greeted. "You look great, as usual." He added. "Thank you." I smiled. "I need a drink." I spoke up. Amanda slid a bottle towards me, cup was sat in front of me by someone. I looked behind me, to see Mason. He smiled at me, then walked away, as Harry put his arm around me. "I don't like him." Harry growled. "I know you don't." I patted his knee. "Shit," Amanda exclaimed "The preps are here." Demi glared into the next room, to see the cheap doll squad walk in. "Who invited them?" Demi asked. "We sure as hell didn't." Rick said. He and Amanda got up from the table. Some blue haired girl followed after them. Miley came onto the opposite side of Harry. "Hey guys! What's going on?" She always seemed to be smiling. I liked that about her. "Preps arrived." Harry pointed, then took a swig of his drink. "Bitches." She rolled her eyes.
We all nodded in agreement. I swirled my finger around the rim of my drink. From a distance, Amanda could be heard, yelling at the preps. Then, giving us a sigh of relief, they left. Amanda came back to us, mocking them. "But if you can invite Tyler and Jason you might as well invite us." She said in an annoying voice. Harry smirked at her mockery. "C'mon, let's go get drinks." She led us to the fridge, which was filled with all sorts of alcohol.


A probably unsafe amount of drinks later, I was crawling in the upstairs hallway looking for my left shoe. I had no idea what time it was, but it looked like it was getting light outside. "H-Harryyyy?" I hiccuped. From the bathroom, I heard a conversation. Demi, and someone else. "You can't sit there and tell me she doesn't love you anymore. That's such a lie, and you know it." I overheard Demi say. "I ruined it." Harry rasped. "No, you didn't." I opened the door and saw a drunken Harry on the floor with Demi beside him. His eyes were red and puffy. "D-did I interrupt? I'm sorry." I said timidly. "No, you're fine." Demi smiled. "I just can't seem to find my shoe anywhere." I wiggled my foot at them. I looked around the room. My eyes wandered to a doorway that led into Amanda's bedroom. She was strewn across the bed, Rick beside her. "I don't really wanna leave until I find my shoe." I looked down at my feet. "Okay." Harry sniffled.

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