Chapter One: The Gift of Darkness

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Chapter One: The Gift of Darkness 



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"I'll miss you." I pulled her closer to me, wishing and hoping that she would change her mind.

"I'm coming right back." She giggled as she tried pushing me away, in return I held onto her even tighter.

"Do you have to go?" I whined. "We can send Alec and Louis, and while they're gone we can have a little fun of her own." I wiggled my eyebrows suggestively.

Even though she rolled her eyes, the smile she wore showed that she wasn't at all annoyed by my clingy behavior. It was something that she had definitely gotten used to throughout the span of our relationship. "No, they always get the wrong things. I'll be gone for no more than an hour, I promise." She lied.

Maya was one of those shoppers that spent literally twenty minutes trying to pick out the perfect type of cheese. I knew that it would be a least two hours before she was done, not including the long ride there.

I sighed. "Fine, but only if you make your famous banana bread."

Ever since I had met Maya she had always insisted that we have a huge Sunday dinner, and today was no different. It was a family tradition of hers and at first, I really didn't get it but once I saw the way her meals brought our pack together I begin looking forward to those Sunday evenings. She would wake up at eight o'clock in the morning get ready, and by seven p.m. we would all be at the table enjoying her gourmet meal.

Her lips curved into a smile. "I will now let go. Keith is waiting for me."

As much as I would rather go with her and watch her spend twenty minutes picking out the perfect type of product, I, unfortunately, had to stay in my office and catch up on the work that I had previously neglected. Luckily I had assigned the perfect guard to watch out for her.

"Okay, but one more kiss." She laughed but still bent down to kiss me, leaving my lips stained with her infamous red lipstick.


"Nick!" She screamed through our mate bond, an hour after she had left for the store. My heartbeat sped up as I heard the scared tone in her voice.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I felt a pain go through my leg, her pain. Because we had completed the mate bond I was able to hear and feel her thoughts and feelings through our bond.

"T-They killed Keith." She whimpered in pain and from sadness from Keith's sudden death.

"What? Who?" I ran out of my office and to the back door where there was quick access to the woods.

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